Is EOS the best crypto project? Literally every other blockchain can run on EOS and interact across chain

Is EOS the best crypto project? Literally every other blockchain can run on EOS and interact across chain.

>inb4 fake fud

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priced in

*blocks your path*

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EOS = Telecoms

KEK has willed it

Attached: eosgo.jpg (597x564, 673K)

I don't think you know what I mean

Telecoms was a big bubble that crashed in 2001. Everyone thought that they were going to be the big winner of the internet boom. Unfortunately they were not Google and they got wrecked. I see disturbing similarities with how people veiws eos

21 nodes. Nuff said

shitpost of the year

No this is a scam coin and it has been since day one.

How dumb can u be lol


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>for a financial system that handles billions of dollars

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kek, nice erc20

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>121 known nodes
gee I hope no one DDoS's them

c++ put a man on the moon, and it'll put EOS holders there next

your token is worthless because they just print more the next day


deflationary currencies are retarded. There isnt enough incentive to spend money if there is no inflation. Econ 101. If it wont be a digital currency, it would be a good store of digital value.

deflationary currencies are retarded. There isnt enough incentive to spend money if there is no inflation. Econ 101. If it wont be a digital currency, it wont* be a good store of digital value.


Why are you in crypto.

no it didn't
also no one was trying to hack the Apollo rocket
also the aerospace industry use high assurance code, unlike EOS

>deflationary currencies are retarded

As a consumer, it is in my interests for my money to increase in value. What's retarded is to be a consumer and argue on the internet that their money should lose value overtime.

>There isnt enough incentive to spend money if there is no inflation.

The demand for consumer goods is infinite.
People will always want stuff. Always! It's just a matter of price, and if you let the market do it's thing it will find an equilibrium.

>Econ 101
Come on user

>If it wont be a digital currency, it wont* be a good store of digital value.

It won't be a digital currency if nobody likes it. Again it is in the consumer's interest for their money to increase in value. Why would I hodl your shit coin instead of this other one that isn't printed daily in a year long ICO scam?

>There isnt enough incentive to spend money if there is no inflation.
I need like bread and shoes and stuff.

we found the stupid african jew spouting econ 101 in a country that was destroyed by academic economics shitheads with fake degrees. KILL HIM


Found the central banker

is it right time to buy ? or after snapshot dump? advise pls

>we found the stupid african jew spouting econ 101 in a country that was destroyed by academic economics shitheads with fake degrees

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FUDruckers can't stand that EOS is the future. Stay mad salty saps. I am going to rise up to the true crypto.

Buy 50% now 50% after mainnet

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A bunch of requests to proof read the Apollo 11 assembly code?
I don't get it

seriously, did you think that code was c++?
or did you think those issues were bugs?
either way you're retarded
>the absolute state of EOS shills

EOS is fucked now.

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According to the EOS constitution you can have your transactions reversed on the EOS blockchain if you lie about anything.. like your age

Fucked Up.

raised 4 billion dollars selling an eth token on yobit and kraken? Doesnt seem possible let alone likely or even plausable. There is actually two guys on yobit who rob everyone so that leaves kraken which is barely operational in 2017. hmmm the numbers dont fit

My man.

I'm in on this as it grows faster and stays up on BTC. Stop losses are set in profit. Let's just let it play out!

So, projects with no purpose can run on a chain with no purpose and interact for no purpose

I'm going all in

Attached: star-trek-tng-devinoni-ral.jpg (800x600, 51K)

>Spectulative fud by ETH fans about a forum unrelated to
Nice blog post faggot. EOS is going to #4 by end of June.

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lol thats a puffy puss puss

>le fud is fake!!
lmao it's REQ all over again

SKY and EOS will be number 1 and 2 on CMC within 12 months.

You're seriously comparing REQ to EOS? You've ruined any chance at having any sort of valuable opinion here, lmao. Noeosers are literally the shit tier crypto. Animals. Sad!

hot ,eos, rest all


Kys faggot

It’s a feminine penis user

ARK is better. EOS is pumped artificially.

Ark is probably the worst crypto project. Terrible codebase. Worse marketing. Shit team. Disgusting drug riddled faggots.

AKA the masculine vagina

I doubt that. BTC is still the only functional blockchain that doesn't require some kind of centralized data center to support the network. EOS and ETH both have this issue. BTC can survive with true decentralization. But, ETH has some serious issues, so EOS could definitely overtake it in the next year.