Want to discuss business ideas with Jow Forums

>want to discuss business ideas with Jow Forums
>tfw the board is flooded with cryptoshit now

Fuck bitcoin

Attached: i want to do this to this shitty board.jpg (304x449, 78K)

What would you like to discuss

>JIDF uses pic of white guy with gun while simultaneously slandering crypto
super sage

>start a thread bitching about crypto instead of discussing business ideas

economic disparity has reached such insane levels, it seems the best biz is the holocaust biz. round up all the jews give everyone an equal share of the money and end poverty for thousands of white men


who here /wants to start a small business/

I've actually put up a small business in this 3rd world country and I'm earning roughly around $430 daily in average.

Cryptocurrency is nothing but a pot of gold at the end of rainbow. Just do some fucking business.

Barriers to entry are high in burgerland fuk off


Sorry I don't live in a country where I am required to pay employees with ridiculous amount of wage and gets branded as a jew because I'm "taking away" money from the general public.

How the FUCK do i start a business

there's info on the IRS website and probably your state's secretary of state/state comptroller website.

This, the barriers to start a successful business are insane and basically exist to Jew you out of profit or kill you in the cartel.

Depends on a country.

get used to the future faggot, most new start ups in the tech space are crypto startups. Most people that invest into crypto late 2016 early 2017 became millionaires overnight. Of course its going to be filled with crypto

>IRS website and probably your state's secretary of state/state comptroller website.
>Sorry goy if you want to make money you have to jump through some hoops first.
Fuck the JewSA, I'm outta here first chance I get.

That's a Palestinian, family

unironically start a nonprofit you can still pay yourself and your employees and they hand out tax exemptions like pedophiles on halloween

most people feel the same way. ITs like oh the jews run all the tv sattion all the movie companies all the internet, the feseral reserve and courts? And they ruined america? Fuck this shit its kill the jews or kill the jews we cant move everyone out just so the jews can have the land. We have to kill the fucking jews no way around it. We hit germany or waorse than germany with jews ruining usa. they HAVE TO DIE

>Most people that invest into crypto late 2016 early 2017 became millionaires overnight
Keep saying this to yourself and pour all your money in a virtual market where it's not backed by any currency or commodity. You have better chances earning money and setting up business out of Youtube than this cryptoshit.

You want a real market? Go to a stock market or foreign exchange.

oh god another teenager who thinks nigger pres was great. Did you not hear of the great depression or the collapse of 2008? Stock market is a jewish NGO SCAM TOTAL FUCKING SCAM. GET OUT OF STOCKS AT ALL COSTS THEY ARE A TOTAL SCAM. Stop humans form buying stocks they are a subhuman nigger jew scam. We will shut down wall street and KILL THEM ALL


>muh jews
That's funny because stock market and crypto are essentially the same, people are trying to outjew one another in the market, except in stock market at least you get to be a stockholder and even get a certificate for buying certain number of stocks while cryptos run out of pure greed and memes.

oh god you are like college tier stupid fucking jew licker. Do you realize there is a clearing house for your precious scam and naked shorting is rampant, that brokerages directly rob you with false prints on the tape? HYoly shit a white man managed blockchain with NO POW is the most accountable and least counterfiet jewable possible money chain. BLOCKCHAIN IS GOOD FOR ONE THING tracking legitimate currency supply. All the fucking smart contract eth nigger tier jew shit is a side track. THE REAL POWER OF BLOCKCHAIN IS PERFECT IMMUTABLE CURRENCY SUPPL Thats why and how rare cryptos like WAU COIN ONLY GO UP And jews cant fuck it up

>Thats why and how rare cryptos like WAU COIN ONLY GO UP And jews cant fuck it up

This kind of mindset is how people lose money in the market all the time.

lol @ poorman

As soon as the alts get out from under BTC the better... Once the flipping happens (BTC to ETH) angel's will sing on high.