Why are Russians so self hating? It seems like such a cool place

Why are Russians so self hating? It seems like such a cool place.

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It's not a cool place.
Finland is a cool place. Germany is a cool place.
Russia isn't

Lol what a fatty

It's literally just a few passersbys from 2ch who want to seem intellegent in the westerners' eyes

Other Russians here are pretty chilled

WEW mien cousin looks like him
shioma - san ~~

Why is it not a cool place?

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you just KNOW

Why it is? Everything nice one could find in Russia is twice as cool in the US.

> Why are Russians so self hating?
Not Russians, but sosachers.

You guys just seem like total bros. Also your girls are really hot.

It's actually a cultural thing. Look up Dostoevsky and his character Pavel Smerdyakov - very real and common even today.
I used to be like it, but now I am a convinced nationalist redneck and I like this place.

They have forsaken their roots, where they used to speak pure Finnish, even Moscow is a Muromian name for "black river".

Are there any good Russian redneck nationalist novels you know of?

The redneck part meant I am willing to be stubborn in praising Russia even if I know I'm not right.
As for literature I think Dostoevsky is the best we have to offer, plus everything he wrote was super depressive and melancholic, just the way we like.
For nationalist I guess the example would be Kuprin - The Junkers, it's overflowing with praise for Russia because he wrote it while in immigration to France and probably in immigrant depression. While he was still in Russia, all his novels were grim.

>even Moscow is a Muromian name for "black river"
I'm pretty sure that most linguists now favor the Balto-Slavic etymology for "Moscow" over the Finnic one.

I would be self-hating too if i was a russogolian mongrel

Tbh Dostoyevsky's works sure are melancholic but I wouldn't call them depressive. Brothers Karamazov was absolutely cathartic for me.

It is a way of coping
You see, when confronted with imperfections of personal and national character, which are many and very real, there are several ways to deal with it. One of the way is to admit them to the point of exaggeration and self-deprecation, then find solace in ‘having a special soul’
Some other ways would be exalt flaws as virtues, vehemently deny having avy


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Grizzly is greek


There's was a film director, an actually good one, Balabanov, and he kinda continued Dostoevsky's work in film. All his movies are dark and grim, but he did love Russia and made them not to offend his country, but to bare the wounds and make them visible to everybody.

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Nice legs

Daily reminder that California is a Russian property

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Yes, russians please come here.
T. Commiefornia