Post your ancestry map
Post your ancestry map
Dios mio...
I've got something even better than that famalam
based kara boga, destroying white genes
My grandmother is italian
Do tell me, is your grandmother on your mother's side adopted?
>no Briton genes
No. Based on what was explained to me, she had dark skin and her parents had white skin because of recessive genes
aka your great grand daddy got cucked
Filthy Khazar
If it's anything but your own country you should neck yourself.
suckkkk my non whuite dikkkkuuuuu
That red dot around Karelia is from back when Finland still owned that land.
>Based on what was explained to me, she had dark skin and her parents had white skin because of recessive genes
And you believed that?
I meant to (You)
i am celtic and based
Skin colour isn't a recessive gene, it can't skip generations.
Most of the times, a child's skin colour will be in between both of the parents.
Besides blue eyed couples can't have brown eyed childreen anyway, so you are either lying about your great grandparents or your great grandfather got cucked by Tyrone.
Meant for
With my 23ndme.
So far as I'm aware:
Irish and Scottish on my mom's side, Ukrainian and Polish on dad's. I haven't taken a DNA test but my dad has--he was surprised to see the brunt of our genetic roots are in Slovakia. I also have a slightly-more-than-Elizabeth-Warren amount of Mohawk. My mom can't remember exactly what the percentage of blood is, but it's fairly low for me (maybe 1/64th or 1/128th).
forgot map
My family on my mother's side originated in France. I don't know anything about my father's family besides the fact we're all Dutch now.
Dad is english/irish, mum is norman.
According to Gedmatch i cluster the most with southeast english, south dutch and west german people.
How you aren't Jew?
You father didn't want the Rabbi cut your dick?
Get out of MY country.
I'm 100% portuguese you dumb fuck colonial.. as far as i can trace
João plz.
ROTFL how dumb are you? the majority of the portuguese have the same results as i have, it's always between 50% and 60% iberian and the rest other south european and north european and so on.
Yet I, A Galician get 85.6% Iberian BIG thinka.
once again, come on João .
Just shut up retard, you have no ideia of what you are talking about:
check the galician. exactly like us portuguese score
João , calm down. These are meme tests. You shouldnt get so workes up over some dude on a Mongolian Mammogram Forum on the internet .
Just fucked up your absurd logic, sorry
Also...When the mutt tries to defend his MUTTness
5 bucks on brown eyes
As far as I know my family is from Puerto Rico but before that I have no idea. My ancestry is a mess.
>7% Native
So when are you gonna use that to run for president ?
Are you the autistic Canadian falangist who chimps out whenever he sees someone post a Portuguese flag in flag collection threads?
Then it seems all europeans are mutts, since no one usually scores 100% french, 100% iberian, 100% brit, 100% scando, because of ancient intra european migrations, of celts and indo-european expansions, also of crusaders.
England, Lowland Scotland, Ireland and Flanders...
My ancestors...
Using my African ancestry would probably be more beneficial desu
Are you stupid? we all mark like that.
I'm from Famalicão, Minho (north Portugal)
Nah. He just keeps biting at the bait.
flag for the country i was born in
jewish nose for my jewish nose i was born with
circumcised as well
r8 and h8
damn and here i thought i was the biggest mutt on Jow Forums
Post your results. I feel like all the 1%'s just make me look like a bigger mutt than I really am.
i'm not going to give my hard earned shekels to some retarded ancestry website when i can just ask my family from where they come from
whayter thahn yew moohameed
Well where did they come from? My family is from Puerto Rico but obviously my genetic makeup is a little bit more complex than that.
based Iroquois bvll
Don't know anyone of my ancestors who was not colombian
dad is kurwa
mom is half uruguayan half italian
that's it
>2 Portuguese make a Brazilian
flag = country where person was born regardless of genetics
No need to call me a dummy. :(
He is.
I'll map this, but I think this is a lot more efficient
Omg this is so horrible
Why have so many of your family members killed themselves
so your ancestors were native american?
no? colombia is older than the us
Why not? The world fucking sucks.
Virgin Gook VS Based Chadjeet
I’m boring
I don’t know how this whole genetic thing works, because my Grandpa is 100% Italian so I expected it to be more than .8%
are you the modric obsessed guy from /sp/?
t. russian spy hacker bot undercover cia agent
nigger what
what the fuck
how could you tell
i didn't give a single hint i was him
what the fucking hell
kek i could tell from your writing style lad, also you don't see many uruguayans out here so you stand out, at least to me
based on my Eurogenes K36 results
Do you hate your parents for condemning you to muttdom?
>not a spy
anyway, i think i've replied to your posts on /sp/ at least once. although that's assuming every albanian on /sp/ is you considering your flag is rather rare.
100% Celt for at least 5 generations. For at least 5 generations, all my ancestors came from France and one from England.