I'm building a portfolio of the fastest transacting coins. Preferably under 8 seconds

I'm building a portfolio of the fastest transacting coins. Preferably under 8 seconds.

So far I'm either invested in or watching:

IdealCash (DEAL) on icqbase exchange, 2 second transactions, $1mil market cap
Cons: Devs are creating a second coin to do privacy features so some unknowns in how fast development will continue to progress.

Flashcoin (FLASH) on Cryptopia, with around 8 second transactions, $11mil market cap
Cons: Similar centralization problems as Ripple.

Digibyte I hear it's now the fastest coin but market cap is likely at an ATH, I don't think the top 100 coins will ever make new ATH's, there's no economic sense in a coin being over $300mil market cap.

NANO is broken and will never work.

Fastcoin was abandoned by devs.

Anything else I'm missing?

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how the fuck is nano broken lol


solaris is the fastest by far atm.

damn, who is this hot piece of ass?

What are the speeds and market caps for these? Thanks for the info btw.

The Digibyte devs in a recent interview were talking about how other coins are stealing their open source tech that makes their coin fast. Anyone know which coins are adopting their algorithms? Q4 of 2018 and 2019 is going to be an all out war between the fastest coins while everything else drops off the map.

lol NANO has been a nightmare for exchanges besides the hacking. It took Binance so long to get NANO on board even after everyone voted for it because their technology just plain doesn't work. Even after Binance got it on board they had tons of problems with it. It's a case of the second mouse getting the cheese, NANO is the dead mouse that activated the mouse trap and now better fast coins can come along and take the cheese.


Ripple has good chances of winning in the end, but I don't see a profitable market cap in it. I'm only open to buying it if I get really lucky and catch a flash crash.

ARK and EOS you fucking brainlets.

I'm here to make money, not buy the top. It's one of my rules that I don't buy coins that don't exist yet so EOS is out of the question even though I see it could have potential.

Catherine Chandler.

Do you know why Solaris has been on an epic decline for a while?

Gochain is an ICO, you think they will deliver? My personal strategy involves staying away from ERC20 tokens.

EOS is half a second.

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Have they proven this in thorough stress testing yet?

EOS legit exists in less than 72 hours you brainletfaggot

I forgot to mention Bitshares is also said to be fast, just a few seconds. The market cap is pretty high though.

We'll see.

wheres the wallet? nobody is going to be able to mine it, but how can you validate the chain, or manage your keys?

3 days and no software available?

I know for sure that if I invest in the 10 lowest market cap fast coins I will make more than investing in Ripple, EOS, and 8 other top 200 coins. It's pretty simple. The market always transitions from a popularity contest to a weighing machine. Slow coins will all die by 2019 and then it will be about weighing the minor details between the best fast coins. Slow platform coins will be destroyed by fast platform coins etc.

WAU Coin is supposed to be instant tx but testing it took about 1 second not click bang, but click confirm done not on highspeed net connection tho so may be instant with broadband. still the fastest coin i ever seen actually transfer

Nice, I'll check it out. How many confirms does it need and how long do confirms take?

I forgot to mention Electra (ECA). It's reasonably fast, last time I checked it wasn't checkout line fast though. Something to watch.

I can't find anything about WAU Coin.

If EOS delivers what do you think will happen to the rest of the market? I have a feeling they will fail, broken code, huge crash etc. Half a second transactions is incredibly ambitious.

read pic related

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Skycoin 3 sec tx's

maybe because its a completely new protocol and not just some shitty clone of bitcoin?

tx speed isnt really impressive, any chain could do the same thing if they limited the network to only 21 expensive servers.

this really, Ethereum could have done a lot more aswell Vitalik said, but it would compromise the networks security. (at the time)

Maybe, but that doesn't guarantee that one day it will be flawless. It's experimental. I see this industry making its way to a winner takes all scenario where one blockchain that is technologically bulletproof will kill off the rest of the market. It might take another few years but it's happening. Anyone who says there is going to be a happy crypto market where there are room for hundreds of coins is being extremely optimistic.

True, there needs to be good secure technology behind the speed, not just faster block times or whatever.

Lol skycoin has 1-3 sec transactions

Have you looked into ZIL?

You are late with news about NANO. Get a nano and transfer it around from Nanex to your wallet (Nanovault for example).

Makes sense, it will be important to also decide which of these fast coins handles these issues well. Flash for example has a new whitepaper detailing how they handle network idling. They're extremely efficient but I am taking the pessimistic view that their 25,000tps testing was only due to the absence of all of the issues noted here with real world use. Flash also has an ambitious goal to create delegated proofs of work and a voting system to keep the number of nodes limited and high quality, mostly within Amazon servers and other big name cloud servers. Not ideal.

I have not yet, but I've been meaning to. I hear promising things.