Who here /chargingtheirsigil/

who here /chargingtheirsigil/

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you guys are fucking sick in the head.

fapping to sergey and rory will add another layer of intention, empowering the sigil further

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Checked. This x100k

What’s up with all the pink ids though

you all are playing with powers you do not understand.

I'm a Linker and I don't want to be associated with these basement dwellers, sorry for this whoever you are

I already fapped to it.
Does it work to multiple faps?
Any magick bois know?

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Y’all need to find Jesus frendos.

holy shit you faggots are never gonna make it

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you never heard of pink for link?

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Sir, we are in some real shit now.
We need all the energy we can!

tips, pic related

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The feraloracle lives in link

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it's almost as if you're on a spectrum of some sort

haha fucking pink/red losers will never make it

board under attack by sick shills

>doing chaos magick willy nilly
you're not going to have a good time

t. x-phile