who here /chargingtheirsigil/
Who here /chargingtheirsigil/
you guys are fucking sick in the head.
fapping to sergey and rory will add another layer of intention, empowering the sigil further
Checked. This x100k
What’s up with all the pink ids though
you all are playing with powers you do not understand.
I'm a Linker and I don't want to be associated with these basement dwellers, sorry for this whoever you are
I already fapped to it.
Does it work to multiple faps?
Any magick bois know?
Y’all need to find Jesus frendos.
holy shit you faggots are never gonna make it
you never heard of pink for link?
Sir, we are in some real shit now.
We need all the energy we can!
tips, pic related
The feraloracle lives in link
it's almost as if you're on a spectrum of some sort
haha fucking pink/red losers will never make it
board under attack by sick shills
>doing chaos magick willy nilly
you're not going to have a good time
t. x-phile