- Lowest ever black unemployment rate

- Lowest ever black unemployment rate
- Lowest ever Hispanic unemployment
- Lowest women unemployment in 60 yrs
- The Korean War is over
- Economy is best it has ever been
- Taxes at 60 year low
- ISIS obliterated
- US energy independent

What is the left resisting?

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Don't tell them man, we need the chinks and their pawns to keep thinking we're some dying country.

The urge to vote Obama for a third term.

>- The Korean War is over
>- Economy is best it has ever been
>- Taxes at 60 year low
>- ISIS obliterated
>- US energy independent
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, not even close

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the realization that their candidates are incompetent halfwits peddling a failed ideology

President Clinton - record black imprisonment
President Obama - record black welfare
President Trump - record black employment

>- ISIS obliterated
that wasn't us

Yes it was. Trump said he would "knock the hell out of ISIS" and that's exactly what he did.

Obama did the economy shit. Trump only did Korea.


Raise taxes
Fund terrorists
Smear judges
Create mobs


Cut taxes
Kill terrorists
Confirm judges
Create jobs