What's the Brazilian equivalent of tendies?

What's the Brazilian equivalent of tendies?

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Monkey strips

ya nan on the barbie


Are you voting for Bolsonaro?


i'm voting haddad

foda-se que nojo




legally speaking Brazilians can't openly talk about this until tomorrow night


so much for the tolerant right

a yes the tolerant left is very peaceful and never stabbed anyone on the stomach

Sopa do macaco

>implying it wasnt a false flag

don't reply to me if it is some dumbshit argensimio muerto de hambre


Brazil lads tell us about this guy, is he really an evil Nazi?


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Nazi, no. fascist, yes. check this out youtube.com/watch?v=wP3LDsVhfso

no he will make their lives better. he will stop corruption, improve the economy, and get rid of the narcos and favelados. and he will pass the laws to let people own arms to defend themselves. and he is a big fan of america. he is awesome and he will make brazil awesome.

Kill yourself westie.

not evil
His opponent is corrupt and evil though, that's why bolsonaro is winning

he used to say really harsh thing in the past
the left and the press hate him

he's not the best guy but the other option is a way worse. people hate haddad's workers party because corruption. at least bolsonaro is not corrupt

why is bolsonaro leading the polls?

1) anti corruption / anti workers party
2) he's very tough about criminality in brazil
3) he's a right wing populist in a conservative country

that's why we will put him in office

>he is a neoliberal fascist

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A stabbing is nothing compared to military coups and mass murder, user.
Then again, your corporate overlords go out of their was to appeal to the least educated because they benefit from your slavery more than anyone else.
Holding right wing views in South America in particular if you aren't wealthy is an exceptional form of stupidity and moral failure.

who is this man? does he have brazilian heritage? or his wife is brazilian?

He is a fascist. But he is too brainlet to even have an economic ideology, tho.

>people who fought against the military dictatorship are now being called terrorists
I swear to god the 7x1 literally skullfucked our brains into nazi mode

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the absolute madman

Right wing populist ≠ Fascist

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brainlet is you that sees everything that is not left wing as fascism

I don't think so, he's just interested in southern politics I guess en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Levitsky

>dicatorship is a bad thing
it is the only way to put macacos in order

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>compared to military coups and mass murder, user
How about 60k murders a year, how's that for democracy?

In 20 years of "military dictatorship" we had 1500 victims TOPS. And Brazil went from 40th to 9th economy in the world.

I would gladly offer another 1500 lefties to the military if that means getting Brazil to be an actual world power.

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Correct. Bolsonaro is a fascist.
I see a desire for a fascist military dictatorship as fascism.


yeah, cool, turns out his wife is peruvian

my grandparents said they loved the dicatorship i never heard any complaint about it from them

He's the clear choice for anyone with a three digit IQ, which is why he's probably going to lose.

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What were the laws like then? What could and couldn't you do? How repressive was it?

most of the people in the dictatorship were not called dead, they were called missing, people just went missing and had their documents wiped, it is like if they've never existed

>three digit IQ

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Neoliberalism is not a economic ideology, it's a political one. But yes, you're correct, up until this election he had shown to be a protectionist and in belif of state regulation, but now he just delegates all economic questions to some chicago retard who can't even do basic math.

you couldn't be a communist supporter

1 - the police can jail or kill you without given motivation
2 - political meetings are illegal
3 - any book, song, movie or media in geral must first be analized and if needed censored by a committee
4 - you can not be freed from jail if your crime was political (ex: making a song about politics)
5 - if the president considers it needed, he can suspend the control of a state from its governor or a city's from its mayor

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He is a right wing populist, why do you define him as a fascist?

The 1500 figure is a number given by lefties, so if anything they are bigger than reality.

75 political deaths a year is 800 times better than 60.000 murders a year. Fuck you.

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>1 - the police can jail or kill you without given motivation
the rest is based and redpilled

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why are you pretending that the murders suddenly stopped during the military dictatorship? they were still happening plus the political murders

Sounds really fucking shitty.

You deserves die.

>oh no why can't i spread my cancerous political ideologies?? you fascist!!

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>why do you define a fascist as a fascist
Gee, I don't know.

you tell me, if you are really american, and love your freedoms you can see how shit it is
look at this for example, this is kind of people who support bolsonaro, having a different opinion is literally a crime for them and people who have it deserve to be tortured and killed

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>I call people fascists but i don't know what fascism is

If you support the dictatorship, just keep in mind that the mere act of posting in this thread would put you in jail under torture

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What's up with this guy?

Ohhh, I see! You aren't trying to defend a point here, you're just trying to make me do all the work and keep claiming the same bullshit over and over!

Okay, let's be generous, let's pick 1985, the last year of the "military dictatorship", just because it has the highest number of homicides. I want to help you out here, after all.

That amonts to nearly 20.000 murders a year.
Adding 75 to that 20.000 doesn't even change anything, 60.000 is still 3 times bigger than 20.000 and arguing won't magically alter how numbers work to fit your forcefed narrative.

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Most of the crimes weren't registered because the dictatorship wanted to keep the good looking facade for fucks sake most of the newspappers were cooking recipes because of the censorship or poems because you couldn't notice the shitstorms

A journalist who was tortured and then got suicided by police.

So dictatorship = fascism
I guess the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Venezuela, etc were/are all fascist and WW2 has pretty much fascist infighting, good to know

Herzog was a jew journalist that got murdered by government during the military dictatorship, which tried to faked a suicide scene to justify and falseflag his death. he was part of a militancy at the time but wasn't involved in illegal activities

>got suicided
They hanged him and claimed he hanged himself? After torture? That's pretty cold shit. What kinds of torture were most typical under that government?

Apparently they cut peoples' balls off


I'll make this real easy for you: if Bolsonaro somehow manages to turn Brazil into a dictatorship again, based on the accruement of knowledge about the mistakes of the past, from all the previous and current dicatorships of the world, there is not ONE person with half a mind that would let their country slink back into a dictatorship (at least in the West).
this means that there would quickly be a coup by the military, but even before that the Supreme Court has mechanisms to keep politicians from abusing power. in fact all the recent brazilian political leaders have been charged with abuse of power in the form of corruption, and they weren't evil "fascists".

so if Bolsonaro turns out to be a mistake, they can simply not vote for him again. this "fascist" buzzword doesn't hold any water and can't even be taken seriouly, if you want to be honest.

Pau de arara wich is leaving you like pic related for days
shock torture
shoving living rats in your ass or vagina

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So you admit Bolsonaro is not a fascist then?

I don't think he will install a dictatorshipt what I don't like is how he tries to pain the dictatorship and something nice, it is literally trying to rewrite history and shoving thousands of atrocities under the rug

oh dear, reread the thread


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Bolsonaro is a fascist.

Holy shit that looks horrible. What does that mean in English?

Did they rape men or just women?

>everyone i don't like is a fascist
You don't even know what fascism means

I do

that isn't fascism m8.

It is.

how come? explain it to me

Ok, user, I won't shame your religious beliefs.
I hope you'll enjoy living under literal Nazi Germany starting tomorrow, shall do you good.

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In that case keep in mind that the americans who are throwing shit at bolsonaro right now and calling him a wanna be fascist dictator are the same people who actually installed and supported the dictatorships in our countries.
They are fucking hypocrites.

Men and woman, pau de arara doesn't have a translation

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He's a troll don't even bother


>Let me tell you about your country
Fuck off you sad cunt

You can try as much as you like, but you BR fucks will never be anything more than monkey eating subhumans as far as white people are concerned.


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people would tie birds to the skewer in their cages when travelling. pau de arara refers to this habit

Is that Brazilian diaspora in New Zealand?

He is entire ultranationalist posturing, his glorification of a dictatorship whose only criticism is that it didn't kill enough people. His vague stance on the economy with a clear hatred against "communism". His definition of "good" citizens as a certain way: male, heterosexual, conservative, religious, opposed to the "others", who he has promised to either kill, jail or vanish via violence. His entire discourse is fascist at the very least, and to not take his word for granted would be unwise.


So every country until WW2 was fascist? I mean following your definition that is the only logical assumption i can make

why do you think i care about you, nigger. your opinion doesn't have any weight