Do power cuts happen in first wolrd countries? If yes, for how long and and how often?

Do power cuts happen in first wolrd countries? If yes, for how long and and how often?

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kek, good image

Only a few times in my life. Once we had freezing rain for a few days straight and all of the telephone poles snapped in half due to the weight of the ice on them, I think a few people died during the ice storm of '96

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Depends on what caused it
Depends where you live

I live in a hurricane prone zone, so when we get storms, yes. Although power is usually back on in a couple days, if not a single day.

OP said first world countries, retards

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maybe 1 time in 1-3 years
last time i remember it was in 2016

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It never happened to me unless they had to do some maintenance or something.
It can happen in some small villages when a storm cut down power lines but that's rare and usually fixed the next day.

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i counted maintenances as power cuts