>eyyyyyyy tony check out mia sick cruise ship
>ahhhhhh merda I didn't know there were rocks in the way
>lol I'm outta here puttanas good luck getting to your life boats
What the fuck is Italy's problem?
Eyyyyyyy tony check out mia sick cruise ship
Other urls found in this thread:
eyyy im drownin here
>Hey Luigi bet you can't drift the entire coast
>Betcha I can
Italians are incompetent. Several infrastructure projects here in Denmark have been ruined by Italian contractors. Because of EU rules we are forced to let Italian contractors bid on Danish infrastructure projects.
>"Giovanni looka at my epic bridge I built"
>"Mama Mia Luigi it collapsed and many people died"
>"Itsa the governments fault"
Truely subhumans
that cruise captain was based and did what I would have done in this situation.
death to passangers
>Because of EU rules we are forced to let Italian contractors bid on Danish infrastructure projects.
usual nordic lies
Italians are disgusting shitskins
Nice. How can I help ruin your country even further?
Disgusting italian rat shoo shoo
is it really like that?
mama mia the bridge breaksa just likea momsa spaghetti
Flip crew members has died there saving worthless wh*te lives.
Show some respect.
here's your respect
fuck you, youre welcome
too bad more flips didnt flop
Of course it's EU that forces you to. Your decision makers were not allowed to choose anything but Italian. Just like EU rules forbid you from getting a Danish gf.
Standa bak! i'm going to do some budgeting.
What do they need life boats for? There’s land right next to the boat
>inb4 not everyone can swim
Then they deserve to drown for getting on a boat
>ayo gespucci dis dam we're building is is a right under a mountain which keeps having the landslides
>ehhha fugedaboudit it's as solid as your mammas lasagna
haha...just like me mudda used ta say back in the old country...bada bing...bada boom...