Map of all countries without a successful (>100 mil turnover) Australian Company

Map of all countries without a successful (>100 mil turnover) Australian Company

Beat this faggots.

Attached: Australia #1.png (2000x1015, 244K)

the state of california produces twice your annual gdp

yet you can't read.Bravo America


Wow, a place that won the geographic lottery, has 40 million people, a huge illegal slave force, free interstate access to a highly industrialised population in the hundreds of millions, free trade with a connected top 10 GDP and a nation of 130 million, more talented foriegners than any other state, has somehow managed to become rich. Just ignore the fact that despite having a GDP 44% larger than Australia, California has 240% more debt.

How much is ugg boots worth? Those were wildly popular here for a long time

the state of california also has twice your annual GDP

>relevant in fiat economies with strong dependencies


Attached: PicsArt_09-06-01.55.27.png (645x773, 25K)

>same population as california
>produces half the GDP