There is still time to let wysker into your heart, user.
There is still time to let wysker into your heart, user
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what does wysker do, sell me on it
Wysker is a blockchain powered shopping app with AI machine learning technology built-in a matchmaking system between retailers and data profiles with a high rate of purchase, using the blockchain as a escrow service. You cannot be spammed as you have full control if you get advertised to in the first place as there are two channels in the wysker app, the organic channel where products more or less randomised and shown to you in groups called "streams". And the paid channel where your data profile is used to match you to retailers and products you show an affinity for.
This is called "advertising by consent" and is a) much more effective and cost effective then traditional advertising b) Gives data ownership rights and the ability to gain profit from having a data profile to the user.
> 102 Mio supply is nothing in crypto
> 60 Mio in circulation even less
> there is a trillion dollar market to feed with those tokens
> tokens will be used as discounts on products in listed online-shops
> these tokens are given out by advertisers through the app to the user as reward for his data
> prior to that advertisers have to buy the token via an Wys-exclusive ad-platform starting from q1 2019
> You as a Hodler are the one advertisers will have to buy from
Additionally buy pressure on the token will come from market buys as people atomic swap any currency to buy products listed in app through wys.
wysker is the first of its kind, the master race, the next big thing
Interesting but sounds like it will take a while to have a use because most major companies arent in crypto
Thats solved by the ad-platform side of the wysker project, which is going to make buying wys token super-easy, as well as being listed on certain exchanges
when they mission shift to a lending coin before announcing their scooter rental partnership, ill have another look. but for now? not fucking way
Depends on how their marketing efforts go. With multipliers on token earning in app for referrals through social media and targeting influencers from instagram and youtube, the adoption could take off much faster than you might think. Especially if a bunch of neets join the fray and start shilling it to normie cunts. It's one of (if not) the only crypto project that could be shilled for mass adoption.
Your time is running out fast, you dont wanna miss out, friend.
How's the digits...
Wysker meme game, as always, is on point.
Looking forward to the penny dropping on wysker's awesomeness for some other anons so we get more fresh OC.
Jow Forums deserves a better coin, and am gonna give to them.
You wysfaqs talking about 2.0 since weeks. But where is it?
No thanks
I'm that advertising fag that always shits on BAT.
Holy shit, this is amazing. I disregarded this project cause I've always seen it shilled on Jow Forums and thought it's just another FOTM shitcoin. Gonna look into this in more detail now. If this thread is not dead by the time I finish my research, gonna post here some feedback if anyone is interested.
no offence, no offence, no offence and no fanks
would like to know what you think
Got myself cozy 12k pile.
Just finished the whitepaper. First of all, this is a godsend to advertisers. Yeah, I know blockchain is supposed to eliminate the middleman, but corporations don't actually give a shit about middlemen as long as they save time, effort and money. With few exceptions, middlemen are here to stay even in a blockchain world.
That being said, even though this platform is amazing for advertisers and retailers, I have one issue with it: user adoption. I hope someone else researched this better than me and can answer some questions:
1. What incentives do users have to use the app. Obviously the answer would be that they get "paid" for their data. This is cool and all, but here's the problem. Even though our data is collectively worth hundreds of billions of dollars, on an individual level it's not worth that much. They even mentioned in their whitepaper that if facebook was to share all it's income with the users, it would around 3$ per user per year. Even if Wysker will be more popular than Facebook, at most a user can expect to receive around 6-15$ / year in discounts. That's peanuts. Someone correct me if my math is wrong.
2. Assuming the incentive is not the money but the fact that you get better targeted advertising, I can't tell you for sure that most normies don't give a shit about this. Even if this was a strong enough USP, most competitors could probably copy the technology that does this. Microsoft and Google already have something similar and no one cares.
It seems that Wysker is relying on both monetary incentives AND better targeted advertising to attract users. My concern is that the monetary incentives are not worth that much and nobody really cares about targeted advertising. Sure there's the fact that you own and control your data, but if you've been around normies you'd realize they don't actually care that much. They might care if you told them they can earn money for their data, but when the money is peanuts they lose interest
Facebook can be used by idiots for several hours per day
>generates hardly any money per user
>whysker is basically the amazon app with a random button
I'm sure this won't bring in even 10% of what fb does
>What incentives do users have to use the app.
What incentive do users have to use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pokemon GO, etc. A killer app is a killer app
For the average user of this app the main incentive is having a AI pet that you train (Wysker) to discover for you awesome new products that you would of never found before, its not a money making model for the user, and the discounts\rewards offered are up to the retailer running the targeted ad-campaign and how valuable your data points are to them.
Wysker will go viral in a few weeks. 2.0 is ready soon as promised. Stock up on Idex! This is the Tinder of shopping!
I could probably write 5 essays about what makes Facebook and Instagram successful. You say Wysker is a killer app, but why? The AI pet that you train has already been done by Amazon without you even knowing about it. I'm not even joking...that shit almost reads your mind. People don't use Amazon because they advertised that they can read your mind. People use Amazon because for the past 20 years they spent billions of dollars to build a brand, get user adoption and offer cheap products on low margins. If you frame Wysker like this, then it becomes a battle of the brands, not a battle of technology, since the technology is already here. Sure, you could argue that Wysker's targeting technology is marginally better than Amazons (i don't know), but that's not nearly enough to make it a "killer app".
So again, what incentives do users have to use the app? I know sometimes I sound like a sperg cause I'm always focusing on user adoption, but I'm not crazy. User adoption IS the hardest thing in a business. I have enough experience with this shit to know what I'm talking about. This is not some side thought "oh well, our tech is pretty good and the users will come organically". Fuck no!
As I've said, for retailers and advertisers this is amazing. I'm convinced and I would shill this to clients in a heartbeat, but I'm not convinced that the end users would have enough incentives to use it so this manages to compete with the likes of Amazon or Wish.
I'm not here to shit on this project since I researched about it like 30 minutes ago, I'm genuinely interested to understand HOW wysker will become a killer app, because right now I kinda agree with this guy
Just take a look at the already leaked features of Wysker 2.0. There will be a huge social media component.
Every person in the world wants to be unique, wants to stand out from the rest and wants to be admired by the rest. That’s why there is a trillion dollar-market for fashion, for gadgets and for all the things that let those superficial cocks and pussies feel like they are the most fancy person on the planet. These primal desires are the reason why there is no other way than Wysker to be a success. Because that’s exactly what Wysker aims to address. There are those fancy items to be found you never knew you wanted them, there is that customizable avatar cat, you can level up just by buying more awesome stuff. And you can show via direct linkage with instagram to all these other hipsters and fashion-victims that you‘re the greatest fucking hippster-styler asshole on earth. That’s what will initially bring in the user-adoption!
To spread the word in this space they are going to run a giant influencer-campaign to make it popular all over the globe. Their unique style and marketing-language will definitely make Wysker appealing to a lot of hipsters out there.
is there a link where I can read more about this?
>The AI pet that you train has already been done by Amazon without you even knowing about it
No, they haven't. Amazon does not have an interactable pet AI like the Wysker AI
Also there is a global shift in data rights and privacy, just take the facebook controversy, EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and increasing news cycles about the importance of individual data, perfect climate for wysker to take centre stage.
Angela Merkel agrees:
Take a look on Wysker subreddit and the AMA Tobi did on facebook.
The team understands the challenges for adoption very well and though they have been keeping their cards close to their chests there are still some things we know they've got lined up. They plan on targetting influencers from instagram and youtube to shill it, they had a 2 week long ad campaign in times square, they have extensive bounty campaigns planned, there is social media integration so that you earn wys for sharing finds on instagr etc and they have multipliers from 5-2x depending upon when you activate your wysker creature (first 10k get 5x multiplier on all tokens earnt in app for life).
Another big chunk of adoption will come from crypto users who wish to use their crypto of choice to purchase wys to redeem their discount potential for a product listed in app. If wys has 10m items listed, through the 0x protocol and blocknet you'll be able to market buy enough wys through a backend api to get an item from the app with around 80 different cryptos. That will be a massive level of adoption imo. No other crypto can boast being able to be exchanged for near 10m items.
This actually sounds really good. Not necessarily because I think it's a perfect marketing strategy or something, but because it means they are aware of the challenges when it comes to user adoption and are planning to do something about it. I'm so fucking tired of these projects in crypto that have no plans when it comes to adoption or literally don't give a shit. It's actually depressing. People keep saying that 99% of the projects in crypto will die because they won't be able to deliver on the tech. I'd go a step further and say that 99% of the ones who manage to deliver on the tech will die because they didn't plan for adoption.
On a related note, what's the marketcap on this right now? CMC doesn't show shit.
About 6 Mio. USD atm.
I've never bought crypto, i trade stock calls. This project seems really cool. Can anyone give me some advice on how to get into or buy the coins or anything?
First of all I would enter the telegram group. There every further questions are being answered. Then take a look on Idex which has biggest trading volume of Wystoken atm.
Deluded Wyskers don't realize that their app won't catch on at all.
Take a look into this thread and you’ll see that you may not be smart enough to realize it is a pure gem you got presented here.
Oh they're more than aware. The CEO was a sales manager with ad words at google, ex youtube guys, and the whole team is generally much more from the start up scene rather than the crypto scene. They could have taken the traditional way to cash in on their app and join the other big app names through raising capital from silicon valley and profit off the data themselves but instead they wanna give that profit to us. Everything they are doing they are doing for the users of the app as they realise that's everything. Otherwise they're just some shitty ERC20 token and flash marketing of empty promises.
Nah famalam. Will never buy your "gem".
So much pajeet shilling.
I will fud it every time I can just out of spite.
hes right tough.
this shit will much likekly die unless they pay some of the kardashiah thots that they make a post in their instagram
What fud? you've already lost friend.
but thanks for bumping the thread
Just went up 50% on IDEX... you pajeets are all just sleeping... this is going to moon so crazy you will be crying...
>The AI pet that you train has already been done by Amazon without you even knowing about it. I'm not even joking...that shit almost reads your mind. People don't use Amazon because they advertised that they can read your mind. People use Amazon because for the past 20 years they spent billions of dollars to build a brand, get user adoption and offer cheap products on low margins. If you frame Wysker like this, then it becomes a battle of the brands, not a battle of technology, since the technology is already here. Sure, you could argue that Wysker's targeting technology is marginally better than Amazons (i don't know), but that's not nearly enough to make it a "killer app".
The distinction is that Wysker has created a gamification system out of their data accumulation. They've turned the user's own data profile into an interactable Wysker cat which you can have training sessions with to teach it what you like (Do you like this color or this color? Do you like these shoes, or those shoes?). So alongside the backend browsing and purchasing data they gather about you, they also let you establish your own data profile through active participation. And it all feels like a fun little mini-game for the user where you get rewarded through leveling and so on as you go.
>So again, what incentives do users have to use the app? I know sometimes I sound like a sperg cause I'm always focusing on user adoption, but I'm not crazy. User adoption IS the hardest thing in a business. I have enough experience with this shit to know what I'm talking about. This is not some side thought "oh well, our tech is pretty good and the users will come organically". Fuck no!
So, the aforementioned gamification isn't the main aspect. It's there for retention and to increase the value of the data profiles within the app by enhancing the quality of the data.
There will be a campaign with influencers from 5 major cities in the world. No need for some fat ass to play with it although it is pretty likely at some point.
The user is incentivized primarily by the new form of shopping, and secondarily by the gamification and Wys token reward system that lets them earn discounts.
The main attraction here is the combination of discovery and shopping, of coupling together the experience of how people find things they want, with the process of getting them.
Personally, Wysker already does this for me. When I want a pair of shoes or pants I will go to an e-store, browse through the relevant section and just scroll and pick out things that catch my eye for further inspection.
This is what Wysker does for me, but on steroids. It lets me avoid having to choose a store by letting me browse models from everywhere. Simultaneously it gives me a more user friendly and more efficient way of processing information, of letting me skip bad models and find good ones.
That alone is incentive for me to use the app. That alone makes it a killer.
Now stack a gamified reward system on top of that through which I can get cheaper products? That is an added bonus for me, but it makes the system extremely valuable for advertisers.
This coin is blessed by kek.
this was informative. thanks
the people answering "wow this is great" to this are either part of the paid shill group or low iQ's falling for it. if you have a somewhat decent iQ you easily spot the nonsence in this shill
>muh ai learning technology in a shopping app
yikes but i take it as natural selection you guys are doing god's work. just don't want it on my feed anymore so anything wys related gets filtered from now on
Whats your argument? You haven't actually said anything of value, just bumped the thread
>you easily spot the nonsence in this shill
Like what exactly? stay salty friend
Good luck on your path mate, i'm sure you'll be able to come to peace with missing biz's greatest moon mission kek.
The filtering should help with the cope.
Your loss buddy. You'll be shooting yourself in the foot.
In fact you get to go in the collage I think, you seem so sure of yourself.
Sure thing turbo
I almost believe the shock in his face at that answer
still waiting for your fud senpai
i sincerely wish you guys make some money with this scam, remember to take profits or you'll get bitconnect'd.
>You'll be shooting yourself in the foot
why? i couldn't invest into wys, there's no liquidity at all. i couldn't even put 0,1%% of my porfolio into this shit without wiping out the entire sell book and paying a 500% premium. i also haven't researched the project, only thing i know is that the app already exists since january, that's almost half a year. and yet, no liquidity, no volume, nothing. do people even use it? don't wanna shatter your hopes and dreams though, good luck with that 2.0, when's it supposed to be released?
Yeah your a fucking idiot, in Germany you have to report your project to the BAFIN. It’s german financial Gestapo. You even can’t start with your ICO without getting audited by them. They have all the legal power to pursue you into the dust.
That being said it doesn’t make any sense to hire 17 devs, release a working product, jet to Tokyo to reach semi-finals in Tokyo Slush, winning Netexplo Innovation award and moving into bigger office in the center of Berlin only to exit scam with 3k two months after ICO
>why? i couldn't invest into wys, there's no liquidity at all. i couldn't even put 0,1%% of my porfolio into this shit without wiping out the entire sell book and paying a 500% premium
There's no such thing as a 500% premium while this remains below 1 dollar.
It's cool that you're rich, so place some buy orders.
>only thing i know is that the app already exists since january, that's almost half a year. and yet, no liquidity, no volume, nothing
Bar the Time's Square brand awareness add they've done zero advertising. With 2.0 and App store, this will change.
>good luck with that 2.0, when's it supposed to be released?
June, or since it's software development we're talking about, possibly July.
Why would I bother fudding a shitcoin?
Shitting on your thread and making you post is enough to know I got in your head.
You seem emotionally invested in this shit.
Whatevs buddy.
>making you post is enough to know I got in your head.
Works both ways there lad, glad to know you care enough to keep the thread nice and bumped
Keep posting my little puppet!
Rent. Free.
Atta boy ;)
back to page one ;p
You can always just put a buy order in to create the floor and dollar cost average for an entry. The fact is this shit will tear 10x on 2.0 release and their marketing efforts so your dollar costing will still have ya paying 500% on your entry. There's less than 500k up for sale. No one is selling this shit. Just gotta come to terms tha you missed the ICO and won't be able to take a large position without sliding the market.
>Shitting on your thread and making you post is enough to know I got in your head.
MFW he thinks he's making us post, like we wouldn't be shilling Wysker if he wasn't here to bump the thread for us.
So when is release of Wysker 2 didn’t got an answer
During that bear market Wysker basically was the only steady green coin in my portfolio and still is.
4 weeks max
Next bull run + Version 2 = Never been so comfy
Its all about the app, there are dozens of millions of people who do nothing besides shopping on smartphones. Months ago i was on a small party and there was a guy with his children and they have done nothing all the day but starring into their smartphones and zapping through amazon, youtube and the others. Like they are somehow addicted to consumism. Together with the irrational crypto crowd that could be a success even without data collecting :-) (i mean token price wise)
The time for decentralization has come and Wysker is ready with their killer app. One of the few projects with a working product for the mainstream people. It will be huge!
It’s basically the only crypto-project out there that goes that far towards mainstream! It’s not about a billion but a trillion dollar market and that with the laughable amount of 100 mn token.
And it’s white guys. Plain german white.
My god you're a colossal faggot. Seriously, there's no reason to go onto biz and be a giant faggot. Just shill your shitcoin. I hold some wys by the way. Just seriously, shut up.
And by the way SNTR is still pumping, FT will probably pump tomorrow, wys isn't pumping for at least another week or two. You can get like 2x the amount of wys if you buy smart and slow (around .0001) instead of just fomoing in and then waiting. Come to think of it, the fact you are trying to get people to fomo suggests you don't think the product and team will drive most of the volume themselves. Or maybe you're just massive faggots and this has nothing to do with making money.
You know if I get rich on this shitcoin I'm using every ounce of my political power to hang all the faggots in the world, right? I mean, if you present as normal in person then you're safe I guess, but if this is actually how you are you probably shouldn't be shilling this coin on an anonymous unironic nazi forum.
bump, imagine selling WSYKER before $1 or before it gets on kucoin or binance
25k here, will I /makeit/?
Yeah man 40k here. 25k will make for a nice chunk of change in the next year or two. Just wait as the ad-platform takes off Q1 2019, by EOY 2019 we'll be seeing $10 WYS easily if not in the hundreds ;)
when moon? this week or next week?
This month until next year Q1. Then Mars
4k Wysker reporting in btw i know it's not a lot but i won't be selling until $1-$2 range
Still a decent chunk of money at $10.
So am i the only one who thinks that anything lower than a price range of 100-1000s is FUD?
Online Shopping is a trillion dolla industry. if wysker snatches 1/4 of this market, then 100$ are minimum.
Let's see which rank the anons can get. Let the game begin!
Tiger: +1 000 000 WYS
Lion: 500 000 - 999 999 WYS
Jaguar: 200 000 - 499 999 WYS
Leopard: 100 000 - 199 999 WYS
Bobcat: 50 000 - 99 999 WYS
Cat: 14 999 - 49 999 WYS
Kitten: 1 - 14 999 WYS
Maybe in the long term. It will take a while to ramp up 1/4th control of the entire online shopping industry ;)
It is all dependent on what happens with crypto as a whole. We can definitely go top 10 once people start catching on, which puts us in the $100 range.
Cat....soon to be Bobcat.
Man this thread is thriving!
1/4 lmao
at least we know the dumb money is already in
Dumb money doesn't even know what industry sector the project they're investing in is involved in :P
I guarantee 110% these memes are made by the team themselves. The whole Jow Forums takeover by wys is orchestrated by the marketing guys of the project. Prove me wrong and I'll eat my dick on national television. This is not like CL where regular Jow Forums autismos make memes for shits and gigs. This is the marketing team trying to appeal to the aspies here. T. Work in marketing inside of this space.
Man you guys are just sad. How many ppl do you have typing this shit on here? Hope they at least pay you well enough to come up with this unimaginative c+v shit.
I just had a look and it is 3 ETH or is IDEX glitched
>I guarantee 110% these memes are made by the team themselves. The whole Jow Forums takeover by wys is orchestrated by the marketing guys of the project. Prove me wrong and I'll eat my dick on national television.
I've made a lot of the memes (Kim Jong Un, Mindfuck Kitty, the Bitcoin Magazine) and I know the guy who've made most of the rest.
Neither of us works for Wysker, what kind of proof do you require to believe me?
>T. Work in marketing inside of this space.
I'll take that as a compliment then, you're saying I'm good at this shit.
Well? I wanna see you eat your dick for being wrong, what evidence do you need?
I made the bundle of cats, the ai wei wei, the assange, the bog, the economist ones, the fernsehrtum, the jesus one, the god on the cloud one, the who wants to be a millionaire ones, the scartchie, the baller kitty with cigar, nevermind cover, wysphinx, late biz gif, spongebob money shower and a bunch of others. Just an enthusiastic whale who loves making memes. I get really obsessed with things when i'm into it. The wysker team said they've been making a meme wall for all of the ones that have been coming through the telegram. Their memes are just the crappy little ones you'll see in the first wysker sticker pack in the telegram.
Made them all on my phone on deleo, phonto, eraser and gif maker editor. It's getting pretty full of all the crappy bits and pieces it takes to make the memes.
No sir. I do not work for them sir. I swear on Krishna sir.
You should have just called me a fag. With that "b-but I can explain!" wall of text you've all but admitted it.