1 country
2 Do people kill Jews in your country?
No, Jews are respected citizens of Hungary and no Hungarian would hurt Jew. Jewish culture is part of the Hungarian culture.
1 country
2 Do people kill Jews in your country?
No, Jews are respected citizens of Hungary and no Hungarian would hurt Jew. Jewish culture is part of the Hungarian culture.
We kicked out an extreme sect a while back but I think we only have like 1000 jews at all.
Hungary was never really infested by Jews. If you had millions of them like Poland and some of your cities were in 80% Jewish, you would think about Jews in different categories, especially while knowing that they have 2x higher birth rate than your people.
And no, we were never killing them, because it was useless as their played their role in society, but situation in 30s of XX century became radical, so Polish nationalists were using physical violence against Jews, which wasn't lethal, though. Polish-Jewish brawls were everyday reality, Jews were destroying Polish shops and Poles were destroying Jewish shops: it was rather an economical "war".
When Germans conquered and occupied Poland, Jews were mainly killing each other under German orders, as most of collaborators on our land were mostly Jews (not even Ukrainians, as is commonly believed). A Polish Jew working as a ghetto policemen didn't have any problems with pushing his countrymen to death-trains going to death-camps and Jews working as kapos and sonderkommando in death camps didn't have any problems with annihilating other Jews from Netherlands, Hungary or France that were being transported here by Germans.
But of course, Jews today prefer to rewrite history and claim otherwise because it is easier and more convenient for them to blame Poles for their own shady and shameful aspects of history.
the Polish denial of history gentlemen
What the fuck are you even talking about, german scum? Nobody was killing Jews in Poland for centuries before you retards came here with your jew-killing squads in the first half of XX century. That's why Poland was swimming in millions of kikes.
No, we have a jewish community on djerba that is +2000years and jews that escaped the spanish inquisition. Some of us even have jooo genes somehow. But some idiots kicked them out because of muh palestine back when israel was created.
truly Poles are the biggest antisemites
Depends what you define as "antisemitism". If "antisemitism" is just being realistic about jews and their crimes/lies/shady businesses and dirty policies, then you can say that we are "antisemitic", but of course only in a verbal mode which means that we are not afraid or ashamed to tell the truth about the Jews.
But if you define "antisemitism" as irrational hatred for Jews having a genocidal character, then calling Poles "antisemites" is completely unfounded.
Didn't deny anything but your post especially the part Jews collaborated most is utter historical negationism bullshit.
Jews collaborated with nazis on territory of Poland in a mass way, though. If they didn't collaborate in such a massive way, Holocaust in the form we know it would be impossible to be made. Go google such terms as Judenrat, Jewish ghetto police, sonderkommando, kapo, Group 13 and so on.