Can anyone recommend a free VPS? If not, what is a good low cost one?
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pic related jesus fuckin christ mate
Is a VPS different than a VPN?
digitalocean as long as you're not doing anything illegal
How does on do that for free?
Posted here yesterday checking for these things to launch my shitcoin. Got everything working but free hosts deter "investors" lul.
you gonna give us sauce on that brap factory or what, op?
not free, but you can get some credits if you use a referral code.
remember if any vps claims to be free there's always a catch, so better pay $5/month for 1cpu 1gb 25gb ssd
if you really want free : heroku free tier. aws has a free 12 month tier includes a vps, google cloud offers $300 for 12 months
yes, a VPS is a virtual private server. It's basically a box somewhere in a datacentre that you can install a server operating system onto, such as Ubuntu. Then you can access it remotely, install applications onto and make it do things for you such as run a web server, or a cryptocurrency node. It's just a virtual version of a physical server.
A VPN is a virtual private network, it'll be your 'mask' or your private tunnel/gateway when accessing the internet from your computer. It'll mask your location and identity to some extent.
don't remember where I found her, have another.
yeah, I need a vps to run three masternodes, can I use one vps instance?
Alright thank you mate. Saving this thread and using your referral later.
fucking gross
What you mean you don't find fat chicks attractive???
Americans are an strange sort. instead of trying to fix their catastrophical obesity problems, they're just instead trying to change the beauty standards to fit their grotesque body types bit by bit.
Me in the window across the street
Woah momma, I wanna jump in her ass and she what she can do
Amazon EC2 free tier, cheapest but good Aruba cloud 1€ per month
running wallets / bots / masternodes on both no problems
>being low test
nothing more low test that not being able to have standards
No matter which you use,
you'll need a crash-course on VPS security.
Those things are swiss cheese by design to get you to pay through the nose for tech support.
I hope she isn't putting much of that brap weight on the stick.
>People find these fat cunts attractive
This "High test" shit has gone too far. My test is abnormally high and these fat fucks are disgusting.
The people who like them are people who haven't fucked a fatty. They fucking stink. Like shit.
When you're fucking them from behind, you can smell their asshole because they're fat as fuck and sweat more.
Utterly disgusting.
She is disgusting. She probably wears one of the waist tighten things. She is just fat. False curves.
aws 12-month free tier
p.s. you sound like a retard
Maybe stop fucking disgusting fat girls. With levels of fat in the two women posted above, it's very simple to properly maintain hygeine. I bang fat girls like 50% of the time because they're easy and I've never had an issue. Maybe go for those fat professional girls that have money (and normal standards of hygiene) but no dick.