Arguably our best child

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Mexico.svg.png (1200x686, 93K)

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That's an incredibly low bar

to be honest he is not your best child.. your best child is me..... father! kiss me *kisses daddy* daddy can i get your cock insideme.. daddy let me suck it... mmm daddy i love your cock

Attached: JXhJG1L.jpg (506x543, 126K)

Attached: 1511767397588.jpg (286x327, 17K)

>Ultimating the hispanic conquest of las americas
>Incredibly developed and sofisticated culture
>A real history and identity behind their existence (unlike LOS)

tell me now why should I dislike Mexico

Why not Chile or Argentina? Y'know, places where the government isn't overrun by drug dealers and criminals?

Yeah mothers always cherish more their disabled children

Were you raped?

Chile is a good country, According to Argentinians they're pure Nordics.

>No real history or identity behind America