Can a 171 cm manlet have an acceptable life in your cunt ?

Can a 171 cm manlet have an acceptable life in your cunt ?

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I wonder the same exact thing.

are you ethnic french

yeah too bad, i feel bad for myself, I just want to live a normal life but people don't respect me with this height

My mother is portuguese...... and my dad is pretty tall 182cm, I was going to be tall but I got stress problems who fucked my growth

if a celibate life is acceptable for you, so yes of course.

what's the average height in brazil?

Not anymore. I'm 175cm and only taller than Mexican and Asian women. Young black and white girls are all 180+

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2 meters

must be fucking kidding 180 girls don't exist

i would say the life of a 6th grade student is a pretty comfy life here, so yes
>stress problems who fucked my growth
right in my cringe compilation: manlet edition

in here it's pretty normal... you can literaly live here if you want. If you are blonde blue eyes french you'll get all the chola thots

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KYS fucking animal your women love my big cock

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You'd be around average in some regions of the south.

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manlets have penlets
you are talking to 185cm and 21cm penis NORD

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proof ?

>Can a 171 cm manlet have an acceptable life in your cunt ?
More or less, not really.
As a 169cm short "male" manlet, I feel that I have a worthwhile, developed opinion when it comes to the subject.
172cm-168cm is in the "KILL YOURSELF" range of height. If you were 173, you would be in the "FULFILLING LIFE" range of height, but that is unfortunately not the case.
For instance, Macron is probably 173-174cm, and he's President of your cunt. That's how close, yet also how far, you are.

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Ivana Trump = 182cm
Melania Trump = 180cm
Ivanka Trump = 180cm

The shortest person in the Trump family is Tiffany Trump, at 173cm

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Average white American woman surveys the Gallic blood in Canada

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To add: there's a reason why I stated that the minimum value for the "KILL YOURSELF" range of height is 168.
If you're 167 or shorter, normal male expectations are not applied to you. You can carve a unique path out in life as a midget. This range is called the "MAKE THE MOST OF IT" range.
In short, a 171cm "male" has about a 0-5% chance of making it in life, whereas a 166cm midget-man has a 30-35% chance of making it in life.
Have I lost you?

dude you are mentally ill but so am I

I think we should stop thinking about that, on 4 chan most anons are 180cm+ but they are all autistic looser, yes we won't maybe have a good life but at least improve it and be good at something

>If you were 173, you would be in the "FULFILLING LIFE" range of height
I'm 173cm tall and I've never really felt the problem, so I agree with you more or less, but what's your theory on the fact that so few cm make such a big difference?

are you white looking ? people tell me I look slavic but I am short kek and slav are pretty tall

yeah, I know men who are most likely under 170 and have gfs

How about a 175 cm male?

With the right shoes people will barely notice if the average is 180cm.

If you are a Caucasian or some Asian minority and live in your republic, than probably is

Yeah many manlets here, the younger generation seems to be taller though.

>dude you are mentally ill
Ad hominem.
>yes we won't maybe have a good life but at least improve it and be good at something
Well, at 171cm, you have about a 3.5-4.25% chance of making it. However, that's VERY little.
>but what's your theory on the fact that so few cm make such a big difference?
It's all about societal expectations.
A 168-172cm man, despite being very, very short, will have normal masculine expectations applied to him. A 167cm or shorter man will not. This isn't a fully-formed theory right now. I have a lot of graphs illustrating and text expressing my ideas, and once I feel that I've completely developed my argument, I'll post it on this board.

Attached: graph.png (879x577, 11K)

This graph is only meant to show a specific weight-variable that I've yet to explain here. Please don't think too much about it.

Yes ok but why is a 173cm man in a different position than a 171cm man?

weighted-variable* (a value)
That's the question ultimately, right? I'll post my findings and ideas here eventually.
Despite being a 169cm short "male" manlet, I feel that I have a birds-eye view on this topic. I think about it a lot.

Yes, it's an average height here, and also taller than some guys.

>female celebs are tall
>male celebs are all midgets

Yeah, everyone is insanely short here, and nonetheless they get good jobs and even partners. Some days ago at the mall I actually thought about this, I kept watching the people around me and I swear everyone's 1.60-1.70, it was kinda sad.

Fuck yeah he can

t. 171 cm manlet