Which country is more gay-friendly? Argentina, Uruguay or Chile?

Which country is more gay-friendly? Argentina, Uruguay or Chile?

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pls help


U R Gay



Uruguay, but this shithole is getting progressively worse. They're trying to pass a law so it's okay to tell children they're neither boys nor girls, what the hell.

uruguay = argentina > Chile
Chile is getting gay friendly fast tho

That's bad, but at least it shows they're open minded.

Isn't Chile becoming more conservative? Especially after the haitian immigrants? I've seen a video of religious people protesting against LGBT's in Santiago a while ago.



shhh, everyone thinks Argentina is in South America

kys faggot



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É melhor Jair se preparando.

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You are gay.

If Evangelicals have an above replacement rate birth rate Chile might eventually become more conservative, but gay friendliness will probably come before that critical turning point.


Chile is not a very gay-friendly country though

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ugh you are so problematic

Well, homophobic countries are usually shitholes...



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Probably u r a gay. I mean even the name is gay

this list is arbitrary and has no real reasons for their choices

>mfw all flamboyant faggots from Brazil will leave the country
>mfw only manly gays will stay in Brazil

I love you Bolsonaro

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In the last years I've seen a lot of fags holding hands in the street, cuddling in the park, etc, at least in Santiago, and nobody gives a fuck.

It's literally the same shit here, but OP is some of these ultra-flamboyant faggots that not even gays like. Good luck.

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As a fag, I would say it's true that even fags dislike ultra-flamboyant fags. Just be a moderately flamboyant fag and you'll be fine.

I don't get this pic.

I hate a lot flamboyant gays and trannies. If they all leave the country they will not be missed. Good bye.

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Argentina obviously, since it's in yurope

I hate ultra macho bears, though. I just like normal guys.

I wish there were ultra-macho gays like these ones in Chile.

It doesnt look accurate

It is. Nobody really likes flamboyant faggots like you, not even another gays :)

I'm not effeminate, I just want to be gay without being beaten to death.

Where the fuck do you live? Ipanema?

>I'm not effeminate

Yes, you are. Stop pretending you aren't a massive faggot that loves Britney Spears and Kpop

>No Colombia

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Is not that I dislike masculinity, I hate when men look unauthentic, like trying hard to be something they would never be. That applies to both border-trans gays a ultra macho fags.

vai deixar de ter parada gay agora com o bolsonazi?

Bear and ultra macho muscle gays are almost unexistent in Chile. Chile is too faggy country and the gays are very stereotypical and feminine.

I hope so, I'm gay and I hate gay parades.

"Look at us, we are all promiscuous whores!!!"

mas atrai turistas e dinheiros

Praias e eventos atraem muito mais, e sem cagar a nossa imagem

You're right. Maybe because it's too cold and the "bear culture" doesn´t have an environment to develop, unlike the femme culture we see everyday in Santiago.

t. fuzilado pela patrulha desgayzificadora amanhã mesmo

Quem? Eu? Não mesmo. Vão fazer com bichinhas lacradoras como você. Boa sorte. :)


>not on the list

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Brazilians have been infesting my grindr recently. Stop coming here please, I don't want to be your free English teacher

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hey you're already gay, but at least you can smoke una vela in front of 5-0 m8.

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