The only part of Brazil touched by the D*tch, which is why it's the worst.
What happens here?
Why are you samefagging, tho? I can see the number of posters, there should be 11.
Africa with buildings (almost none legally owned by the people inside of it)
Almost nothing legal
Some few whites taking over the media shilling for the left to remain rich
they're the most fucked state because of the fucking southeasteners. PT helped a lot of its population by offering them free healthcare and housing, so they're more prone on voting on PT.
apparently those same southeasteners are accusing them of being commies because they believe PT are going to help them again. they arent very different from us but bolsoyfags hate them because "aLL CoMmiEs ShoULd DiE" and stuff like that.
fuck, im pretty sure that most part of the PT voters that are poor barely know what communism is
Please, secede from Brazil
Please, please!!!
Make your own country!!
africa tier poverty
PT electoral reign
why don't they move down to sao paulo and rio de janeiro like they do in the us?
eat dicks baianos de merda
southeast and south fags btw