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ever thought about killing yourself?

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already made a future suicide plan desu. just waiting the right time.

>tfw having thought of suicide is literally the requirement for posting on Jow Forums



I want to try sucking 9/10 twink cock that looks like that blonde guy from the tranny tv show

What happened here

Although most of the time I spend my time thinking about how to improve my life yet I cannot find any solution

Yeah, for the last couple of years I've just been running on fumes. I'm simply fucking bored, not even pussy brings me joy anymore. The worst thing is that i don't even feel like drinking or doing drugs, i just don't see the point in that. Whenever i take a bottle of beer i just take a few sips and then realize i don't really wanna drink, same with drugs. I don't know what's wrong with me, i do sport, follow a healty diet and yet i can't seem to understand why i can't have a proper relatioship with someone, not even as friends. I just can't care aboit other peole. Didn't even shed a tear when my father killed himself after my parents divorce. He always felt like a stranger to me, same feeling that i have with my mom and brother. Life without being capabale of love is so fucking bad

my plan is to secks as many girls as possible until age 35 when I finally hang myself

How many years to go user? I'll give myself another 2 and a half

is he alive?


I've tried a couple of times which is why I can't wear long sleeves anymore.

I am 18 year old zoomer but I am brainlet so I stand no chance at making good decisions

Why do you want to kill yourself at 18 yo?

I've put the barrel of a gun to my temple many times, but I haven't yet mustered the courage to pull the trigger.

colon cancer is especially prevalent in my family, everybody on my dad's side including him has got it sometime before the age of 60
dementia runs in my family on both my parents' side
also dropped out of highschool because no matter what, I could not save my ass and my grades

I know that fear. My father is a schizo and i found out about it when i was 14. My mom used to put his medication in his tea since he didn't want to take it (he thought he was normal). After i saw her doing that i asked her some explanations and it really scared me. She told me my father had gotten way worse with time, at 30 years old he was still kinda normal but then he fucking went batshit crazy. Same thing happened with his mother. I was so fucking scared. I won't give you any stupid advice about your other problems, everyone's life is different, but keep in mind that you could turn out to be completely healthy, don't let those fear stop you or you might damn yourself for the rest of your days

I've considered it in the past but haven't gotten serious about it ever. I'm depressed on and off but am too scared of dying and too attached to people to kill myself, and inside me I feel like I still search for something to sustain my will to live.

every fucking day
I'm literally dying, since last week it got reaaaaaally bad