>Australia's next PM has vowed to hold a referendum on becoming a republic in his first term
how do we feel about the monarchy int?
should I vote to keep them?
Australia's next PM has vowed to hold a referendum on becoming a republic in his first term
let's become a dictatorship and send people to desert camps
this but it's an islamic dictatorship and we build space ships to colonise mars for ALLAH
why would you want to keep bowing to that old bitch
now I see why the new space agency was created MASHALLAH
she barely has any powers anymore
>ywn copulate with prime Elisabeth II
so why keep her?
Freedom mustn't be a subject of debate itself.
What happens when the free ruler loses his mind?
Whom are the legal oaths to?
Becoming a republic will start a huge change in the perception of what Australia even is, and will open the floodgates to even greater migration from Asia.
I'll be voting no if it's put to a vote.
Don't mind Lizzy and they'll definitely use it as an excuse to change how the government works to fuck everybody over more
>Be a settler country with few real history prior to WWI
>Wants to remove the last link to the only real history that you have.
This shit is fucking deppressing.
will becoming a republic get me a job?
I'll be voting na, not only do I not trust the Australian gov to do the best for Australia, but we need all the allies we can get, with our biggest threat being Indonesia, we are a western country in eastern majority region.
you want a job,? i have a job, it is fucking awful. i wish i could be neet.
>getting a job
lmfao faggot
You want to be loyal to a monarch that fucking exiled you?
I would much rather have a monarchy than giving the right to vote to the public. Most people vote on emotion not informed policy and the lack of education around politics in both NZ and Australia is incredibly bad.
Monarchs are the other hand (atleast the British) have a very succesful track record for the most part. The fact they still exsist after the last century and hold a relative amount of influence speaks volumes.
Freedom from uninformed influences is far preferable to freedom of choice.
Down with the corrupt inbred monarchs. We're our on country, when was the last time the Br*t did anything for us? All the royals do is waste our money and be a figure head.
how is indonesia your biggest threat
what next PM?
2019 is our next official election, I doubt the current one will get elected
If Harry didn't marry a mutt I wouldn't care but the royals have got to go.
Our current one overthrew the old one and still hasn't given a public reason why a change in leadership was needed. His party is deeply unpopular now. The opposition is really bland but he's a shoe-in because of the incompetence of the ruling party.
Well, one, they have over ten times the population of Australia, a Muslim majority, and a quite unfavourable view on Australia.
now I am not saying they are an immediate threat, but they are our biggest.
>a Muslim majority
>a major threat
Ask how I know you have no idea what you are talking about.
Indonesia is Muslim majority
mashallah Elizabeth must be fed to the dogs
So is Qatar, the wealthiest country in the world.
>and a quite unfavourable view on Australia
LMAO, are you 70 or do you just spend too much time with your crazy grandpa? This is some ACA tier opinion.
>they have over ten times the population of Australia
And? A significant margin is pretty poor and even in the event of an armed conflict, how do you propose they make it across the Timor Sea? Indonesian military tech is still in the 70's and doesnt even have a number advantage. And lets say by magical chance, they do manage to beat the Australian navy and air force, well done, they have officially taken Darwin, and are surrounded by thousands of kilometers of desert and roads unsuitable for military advancement and supply lines.
The biggest threat to Australia is a country with a blue water navy capable of taking the sea lanes and sailing right into Botany. Indonesia being a threat is boomer mentality.
Wow, and?