

Please say something nice about the cunt above your post.

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i think we share somewhat a similar mindset

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Nigga it’s 2 am here I’m going to bed

sells phenergan over the counter

I was gonna type based mongolian chad but then this streershitter leaf and el orco amerigo appeared

Attached: a8o0Lb6_700b.jpg (487x524, 49K)

Beautiful country, best in the world


God bless Trump and god bless America!

Went to space first, now has space soldiers. Pretty cool

You are better than me, that's a fact jack

You are probably the country in south america id be most likely to visit

I want to date Finland

Attached: IMG_ykdceo.jpg (612x612, 98K)

gave us this guy

Attached: bul2.png (320x320, 171K)

Goodnight :)

One of my favourite nations

The wildlife is nice.

would invade again

Your land simultaneously triggers Jow Forums and /leftypol/

Nice fjords there, mate

You too matey

World class shitposters, all of you

My frogs have been confiscated, I have been banned from r9k

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nice mountains.

Attached: K2 Panorama SSO_3_4360.jpg (4360x1915, 1.61M)

I went to Vienna for 4 days for a school trip. In winter. I was a dumbass who thought it wouldn't be too cold. I died.
Lovely place though. Really.

>I went to Vienna for 4 days for a school trip.
are you a richfag? i went to only fucking Kyoto

thank you for good cartoons

Amazing nature.

No, but I live like one because the Indian government pays for every expense for my family. School fees, plastic surgery (if you can prove it's not purely out of cosmetic reasons but that isn't really enforced), utilities etc. All paid by the Indian government.
As far as school trips go, my trip to Santorini for 11 days was the best. Everyone including the teachers were drunk the whole 11 days lmao

are you the indian chad with diplomat parents from the /culture pals/ board?

best anglo country

Best Jew country

Best of friends to have even if they fuck off back to Australia
A good people

Good friend of Europe, even if we make fun of each other all the time

You guys love your gold and your country can literally turn into a fortress at a moment's notice during an invasion.

Today he cleared snow near the house.

Lovely ballets

Killer sausages. Like, REALLY killer sausages

I love american films and american black people

I am, yes. I'm not a chad. Just attractive. My height cucked me.

One of the best national teams in terms of recent success. Sucks about 2018 though

I love your movies :)

You're one of the better countries in Africa

you have nice camgirls