I have been taking notes and running tests from pivotal tracker. On average the team completes 5 tasks per week. The Icebox has a total of 110 tasks waiting to get scheduled. Plus the 2 weeks already scheduled would = a total of 6 months of scheduled tasks. Now, it only gets worse, the team on average adds 3 new tasks a week to the icebox. If you add that we add an average of another 4-6 months.
Based on my analytics main net will not be until 4/19-6/19.
This is not too surprising. The oracle problem isn't going to come to the fore for quite a while. We first need blockchains up and running before we need to start worrying about how they will interact.
You cannot draw this conclusion user. Do not worry user. MainNet soon user. Much Moon soon user.
Anthony Bailey
just trying to
help (you)
neets out
Carson Nguyen
See digits user. Must Relax user.
Liam Lee
Try and debunk if you want as I would love to think main net is less than a year away but I am afraid I underestimated how many jobs will be added to pivotal considering half the contracts are not in there yet.
Joshua Wilson
It only get's worse. A rule of thumb in software development is that the last 10% take 90% of the time.
Jack Powell
this is a psyop!!!!
Gabriel Miller
welp. there's another 6 months. Now were at eoy 2019. thanks user
James Jones
Team is getting bigger user. Much work in less time user. Kek approves Link user. Much Blessings user.
Joshua Brown
They used to work so much faster, I think something is happening. The last time they stopped working they released alpha...
Ian Reed
They haven't hired anyone new since I started running the analytics. If they add another person, ok shave off 1 month total..you still looking mid to end 2019.
Nolan Stewart
So what? You think the token can‘t moon because the mainnet isn‘t ready? I‘ll wait til 2025 for mainnet if I have to.
Lincoln Bailey
You have a point here...steve has not done any public coding for the last month. He will go into pivotal daily and move/add tasks around but that is about it. He used to average over 80 commits/month now under 40.
If he slows down anymore I will have to add some time to my overall calculation
Brody Hughes
Market sell Asap user. Things are not good user. (people) need more Link at cheap prices user.
Julian Hernandez
Exactly this. The only way it would moon without main net is marketing....and guess what there is absolutely 0. The only and I mean only way link gets a moon before main net is if some "partner" comes out and tells everyone they are using chainlink before main net....
Dylan Johnson
Rumor is he’s in a private repo
Zachary Kelly
None of this fud matters. We created a powerful egregore by fapping to a sigil.
Parker Long
Yes he setup a few potential clients contracts for test net. Overall working with potential clients pre main net will slow down completion time. I will keep my eye on this and add time to my calculation if necessary.
Kayden Gutierrez
This is a shill fud thread. I didn't think I would put those words together until today. The bump rate in this thread is huge. Just a heads up. This is a buy sign.
That could happen at literally any moment that we find new connections and info or that some kind of marketing starts. Last time chainlink went to ATH we had even less info and even less connections and it still mooned.
At best we have time til next year to accumulate as much as we can.
Jack Lewis
OMG this FUD is getting to me! Someone save me before I market sell after my shift at McDonalds is OVER!!!
Noah Peterson
The team admitted to private repo but stated it had nothing to do specifically with the node itself; therefore, is private...basically meaning this is work for a client.
Wyatt Bailey
You will have until march 2019 to accumulate link under $1
Zachary Davis
Possible, depends on what happens. I don‘t think its so safe to say it will stay below a dollar til 2019.
Parker Edwards
Some weeks they have completed up to +25 tasks (March specially). So I don't see that as a valid calculation
Nicholas Cox
Good thread OP. Finally an adult thread for ChainLink
Only way it goes above a $1 before 2019 is if the overall crypto mcap doubles...it won't.
Angel Allen
FUD, you have no real idea of what they are actually getting done.
Connor Ross
Though I think mainnet will arrive in time for PSD2 regulation and open banking API laws
Noah Howard
even that wouldn't do anything. the CEO of Docusign presenting with Sergey and retweeting a chainlink shill account did zero. If that doesn't pump it nothing will.
Luke Wood
>PSD2 regulation and open banking API laws its already here since January
Parker Robinson
Not enforced everywhere until September 2019
Gavin Bell
my linky stays super stinky $1000 eoy 7's don't lie
Noah Green
Actually I do as they have stated multiple times that all work is scheduled in pivotal and committed through github. If you watch those you can get a very good estimate which I did.
Ryan James
This. Suprised nobody has brought this up before.
Camden Taylor
HODL, only sell to pay for your big macs
James Smith
end of year 2022 maybe How I see it eoy 18 - $0.74 eoy 19 - $5 eoy 20 - $20
Alexander Morgan
why would sirgay spend his bahamas retirement account for marketing? makes no sense lmao at linktards
Brayden Scott
>13 January 2018: Directive 2007/64/EC is repealed and replaced by Directive (EU) 2015/2366 nope its already here for months.
Levi White
its a very good point except for ethereum is running fine and with casper coming out this year should be better.
DLT needs smart contracts that can interact with the real world. We are actually seeing a lot of adoption from corda and ibm. Unfortuniately these are permissioned chains and do not need decentralized oracles.
Chainlink will be good for the smaller fish like ethorse and dapps. The big fish - banks etc will not technically need to go the full trustless dlt route with decentralized oracles.
Austin Peterson
>13 posts by this ID you had time to accumulate, we are going to andromeda by september
>The moment when everything is going to change is January 2018, when PSD2 will be transposed into national law. Starting with that date banks will have till September 2019 to be PSD2 compliant. By 2020 we expect to enter a new era of Open Financial Marketplace, where each player can enter the field without having to cope with heavy and restrictive compliance regulations which the banking infrastructure currently maintains.
What’s Next in the PSD2 Timelines? 21st November 2017 – SEPA Instant payments went live across the euro-zone 13th January, 2018 – all EU member states must implement PSD2 into their national law/regulation – PSD2 Go Live PwC describe this as the date “when banks’ monopoly over customer account information and payment services will cease“ >September 2019 – PSD2 security measures indicated in the RTS (Regulatory Technical Standards) will go live – this part of PSD2 requires the: Implementation of Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) Provide third party providers Access To their customers Accounts (XS2A)
Samuel Murphy
$1000 EOY
Ethan Ross
EOY 18 - $1,000 EOY 19 - $7,000 EOY 20 - $100,000
Joshua Rivera
why didn't you put this shit in your initial reply you doofus? thanks for wasting my time prior to this post.
Isaiah Jackson
Why didn't you DYOR, and do it accurately? kys
Bentley Moore
shut up you stupid time wasting nigger, either drop your sources instant or fuck off from the discussion. homo.
Ryder King
Damn, you are upset. You were wrong. The info was just a search away. I'd have left the thread after gettibg BTFO like you did, but no you're still here. I admire your dedication.
Ryan Fisher
So the best argument to my claim is maybe they will hire more developers to speed up the project....kek. See you guys late 2019
Angel Ortiz
Nice concern trolling faggot.
1k eoy. Incase anyone didnt know.
Logan Taylor
no you wasted my time you faggot
>"hurr durr I think mainnet will arrive in time for PSD2 regulation and open banking API laws" >gets BTFO because the regulation already ARRIVED in JANUARY >"HURR DURR I meant when businesses will use it"
stupid time wasting goalpost moving nigger subhuman, go die from aids you son of a rodent.
Wyatt Evans
Based on my calculations, op is a faggot
Jose Stewart
>you Not me. Also, if you're not talking about practical usage, why are you even here?
Owen Peterson
Implying that you dont go on reddit either you mong.
this is far too optimistic. unless the team suddenly hires a bunch of developers at once, mainnet won't be out until at least 2020
Hunter Ross
>more developers = faster development Found the 30 year old boomer
Charles Cook
>2020 nice shill at least 2022 and then mainstream adoption in 2025
Henry Roberts
This is the new fud tactic I'm not fucking selling
William Moore
Hi, I'm from r/linktrader Is all this true? Can i still dump my Link for Oracalize?
Ian Wilson
Did we give it a name?
Gavin Nguyen
>implying they haven't been working on the last 10% for the last 2 years
Joseph Howard
no, buy mobius please sirs is good far coin of chanslink and CEO lard please thank you sirs
Juan Watson
Release it NOW Sergay or we riot.
Joshua Cruz
Link is love. Link is life!
Aaron King
the real bull run was the frens we made!
Grayson Gomez
>The team admitted to private repo but stated it had nothing to do specifically with the node itself; therefore, is private...basically meaning this is work for a client. the fact they're doing direct client work is bullish for me.
2 more chainlink psyop threads were just deleted, were on to something
Brody Scott
just saw that, very interesting as someone with no money in link, why delete these threads
Elijah Hall
Ok then, show me the source. Right now they're working on implementing a centralized oracle. There is no Code doing the actual interesting stuff like API propagation, Node Reputation, Contract Assignment, etc... Yes, how this will be accomplished is mostly covered in the whitepaper and writing it is nothing more than busywork. And yes, they could be working on it in a private Repo. But as long as there is no semi-fully running network, how would you know where the hard to track/fix bugs like race conditions are? And as Rory stated: They only have one shot. If a Contractor looses millions of dollars due to faulty software, it is dead to everyone
Noah Anderson
>110 tasks, taking 22 weeks to complete >22 weeks creates 66 tasks, taking 13 weeks to complete >13 weeks creates 39 tasks, taking 8 weeks to complete >8 weeks creates 24 tasks, taking 5 weeks to complete >ad infinum
Fugggg guys maybe there won't be a singularity
Evan Barnes
I'm ok with that as long as the work is solid and the result is reliable, secure and fast
Adam Edwards
Unironically ropsten needs to be perfect before release. That will add months - Maybe no ropsten before q3 or 4 2018. After that, mainnet could be as quick as 3 months, or as long as 12. The more problems fixed before ropsten is online, the better it'll look for the corporate clients waiting to use chainlink.
Also mainnet 2019+ means req won't be able to be released before then, toppest of keks
Lucas Torres
I was banned last night when replying to one of them discussing how weird it was, pic related
Isaiah Gonzalez
Good predictions
t. 250k link holder
Oliver Sanchez
You must have missed the part where the team mentions they only have one shot to get this right etc. Also, say 10% of the tasks are not needed for main net...you are still looking at 1st quarter 2019 at best.
Brandon Anderson
Nice FUD faggot
Juan Murphy
i dont mind waiting so long as it actually moons. if it hits $100 at any time in the next 2 years i'll be set up for life.
Andrew Smith
This isn't a bad thing. ETH was intial stagnant before it exploded as well. Basically, the world has to be ready for it. The world ain't ready for LINK yet.
Eli Phillips
not fud at all. I can't say for sure eoy 19 and 20 but eoy 18 will not be above $1. This is due to not being on main net and the team having absolutely no marketing. Sergey's last blog post was 6 months ago. Heck maybe link holders are lucky and he provides an update at end of year with a simple timeline for main net release in 19.
Carson Bailey
only way link moons is if node operators start earning a good amount of link which means adoption. Since main net not until 2019 it would depend on how fast if at all there is adoption...earliest 6/19 latest never.
A lot of stuff working against the chainlink team lately including not getting invited back to sibos this year.
Jason Murphy
network effect would take until 2025-2027 $100 by then is reasonable, if BTC is over $100k
in short, linkies are deluded
William Martin
Oh boo boo. Once mainnet launches this shit will get to $20 just on speculation which means you only need a pathetically 50k linkies to be a millionaire. I agree that people's expectations are too high for link price but it's such an obvious moon mission you can safely back up the truck with as much money as you can afford and you're basically retired in 2-3 years tops unless you're a poorfag
Logan Taylor
there are 1 billion tokens and btc is in a bear market
cite an example of a similarly sized token supply mooning to such an extent