the inevitable political evolution of the /brit/ poster edition
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janny shan't be happy with this development
yeah ok but
hi schizo
When you're an NPC with several dozen set phrases on a loop there's no need for quality language. All the other NPCs use the same tiny phrasebook so there aren't many ways you could be misunderstood and it doesn't matter if you are since you're not saying anything novel or interesting anyway.
just ate a banana (not a nigger btw)
this is wrong
went from lefty to commie to traditionalist
gf just sent me this
she sent me one where she wasnt wearing clothes
silly woman
the bicycle and the gun are the ultimate liberators
merkel GONE
>tfw part of a far right group
>tfw the government could come for me at any time
It's been a pleasure posting with you lads, that slag May won't take me alive
schizoleaf getting BTFO like usual
Emma Watson I have a present for your vagina right here between my legs. It’s hard, throbbing, and it has a knob at the end of it.
went from ethnonationalist white supremacist to maoist marx-leninism to liberal social democrat (where I am now)
fact is one's political compass is inherently biased towards centrism and will gradually self-correct if given the chance
dotcom or outside trolleys
where's the fleeing nigger child edit
enjoy your mysterious 'heart attack' at the healthy age of 23
Total dogshit
I should be allowed to physically defend myself against assaults on the senses such as music being played out loud in a public place where I have no option but to endure it
I should be allowed to defend myself physically against it
screw your optics
going in
any rap man in
where is schizo
brit/pol/ used to be great back in like 2015-2016
never used brit/feel/ much but browsed /brit/ on and off over the years and it's never been good enough to keep my attention for more than a week or two
neutralising the threat
Hell was this one job I had where I couldn't control the radio at all. Waking torture.
2016 /brit/ ruined my social life, it was that good
real talk, you brits cant use firearms for actual self defence against home invasions can you?
>Iraq War, War in Afghanistan
>Financial Crisis
>Arab Spring
>War in Libya
>Occupy Wall Street
>London riots
>Syrian Civil War
>Neo-colonisation of Africa
>NSA surveillance
>South China Sea
>Migrant crisis
>Trump, Putin, Jinping
>Erdogan, Netanyahu, Duterte, Modi, Bolsonaro
things in the 21st century are bubbling up towards something big
personally i expect a 9/11-tier attack to happen again some time before 2025
bed-ridden for a week or two
wish I had a PS4 and a TV now but would never use it otherwise
for me it was 2014 /brit/, the unironic pinnacle
Utter STATE of you, being part of any one of those complete mong groups hahahaha
only for shooting yanks
fuck OFF
centrism is retarded
I agree. Who knows what the future holds. Could be anything at this rate so much is changing rapidly
you should borrow one off a mate
another week of unitoil lads
aye ed remember when your gf broke up with you
girl I know still sucks her thumb at 23
guillaume faye calls it the convergence of catastrophes
I sadly await to your suicide due to strangling yourself in the bathtub with piano wire then dissolving yourself in lye only after removing your own fingerprints post-mortem.
extremism is anathema to the human experience
some proper scrotes anging round /brit/ as of late
hi ed why do you never open my snapchats anymore
‘ll giver something else to suck on if you catch me
>The yank pays for unitoil
final exams of first year of uni in 1 week then I get 4 months off
dont know why yanks use such a grim semester setup, just start in february and end in november so it's all in one calendar year so it makes sense
my mates don't have them either, except one that lives 2 hours or so away
how absolutely fucked are her teeth? Im assuming they’re even worse than the usual brits teeth...
its Jordan you cretins and I've HAD it with you lot mistaking me for Ed because clearly Ed had a better PR guy
cringe also reported to MI5
outside, lady said i can do some dotcom which i want to do seems like a comfy job
hi jordan can u ask ed why he doesnt open my snapchats and get back to me on that? ta
if weed is legalised then pcp and heroin is next
it's a slippery slope gentlemen, stick to your guns
hope thats a islamist group not a fascist one mate
>the big friendly giant
bit of a tautology
islamofascism is based
Been laying in bed for two hours now and can't fall asleep. And it's nearly 9 AM. The NEET life ain't easy
alri jordy calm your farm
going to use the term "emotional rape" when reporting the ex lads
>stick to your guns
we ain't got rods and we're fishing
thing with terrorists is that they're obsessed with flashy shite like dirty bombs and plane crashes, none of them care about the stuff that would really fuck us up like waste managment and power lines
lot of rank amatuers, all of them
things were heading in the predictable destination of China's takeover as the global hegemon. Trump is a spanner in the works
Why do Americans even post here?
You barely ever get responses, you don't fit in at all
Go to /deutsch/ or something
royalties from my /brit/ posts have gone up recently
was there a recent bump in the market?
catyank youre so fuckin nuts i love it
anybody watch fish tank youtube videos?
alri Jordan never heard of you before can you give us a quick summary of your gimmicks
no you wont
fucking cat yank making us look even worse than we already do, pic related is what I wish the gf would do to you and your cat
white sharia when...
Do you owe anything to the hundreds of thousands of years of a bloodline adapting and overcoming environmental challenges that is the cause for your being or are you quite content and perhaps even smug in your resentment that you are where it ends
hahaha stupid nigger
still in a protracted legal battle with dave over the rights to a successful gimmick
>Trump is a spanner in the works
if anything he'll just speed up the hegemonic destiny of china
literally all you have to do is make fascism appealing to the young and you've won
americans shouldent be allowed to post here
Oklahoma City bombing is where its at
when the White Man does terrorism he does it right
business idea: marxist fascism
i was emotionally raped by my therapist
shut up autist
Every day this question is posted and every day I post here regardless
Islamic Communism?
say no more
*americans posting cats
hi schizo
the only kiwi i care about is MissAlice
Business idea: Pay a hit man to kill me so i won't be branded as a failure, unlike if i killed my self
sell me on this, but Im assuming its for whites onlu
pull up on you and your mum in traffic
well if you'll wait *fumbles pockets for a handful of napkins and trojan condom wrappers*
if you wait just... ah.. ah ha! literally LITERALLY invented action posting
in the summer of 2016 I went on 3 thread action post rant about adele exarchopolous and thus solidified it in the temple of /brit/
other notable achievements include tinder posting and runt posting, for which I have a book being published in summer by Random House for $39.95
genuinely upset such a qt turns to porn lads
don’t mind the yanks tbqh, they serve as reminders of how important post quality is