Who is this holo stacy 2nd from the right?

who is this holo stacy 2nd from the right?

Attached: Screenshot (53).png (3840x2160, 2.4M)

her name is celestial hanley



she can design my experience if you know what i mean

do you fags not realize how slowly images load here? resize and crop your shitty screencaps.

I like
A woman with smarts, cute, holds her own
She can dev my seed if you know what i mean

maybe for someone on some cheap dsl americuck internet like you

Connor and Anders are my twink otter dream dates.


it's like we're in the 90s again


jesus christ the absolute state of holofags

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Celeste for short probably

So hot, bought a billion

I guess she gives celestials blowjobs.

I also read Connor TurDland

>he isn’t using skywire

Why the fuck is this picture so big. What the fuck is that filename. Are you the type of boomer faggot that saves files to your desktop?

looks like hes been chewing on some turds if you know what i mean

I imagine myself receiving pixels from a distant space probe :)

I that nick szabo?

>2nd from the right
why do people say this in these kind of situations, just say the 'third person in the picture'

>Experience Designed
Is that just UX or some Virtual Reality shit?

Experience designer......I bet she'd design the shit out of my experience.

>Doesn't use -1 instead of 0 where appropriate when indexing lists
Not going to make it

hello rohan
dear sir how you have been sir?
sir pls get bac to me soon sir you owe me several holocoins sir for past shillings sir

how did you know that rohan is an indian name?

>culture coordinator

You don't have to say anything because she's literally the only woman in the pic

sir i have the internet sir

I don't know what you mean. Care to explain?

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