Chainlink Sigil

what the fuck is wrong with our (((mods)))? why are they trying to stop this?

Attached: 9426373B-F81C-421C-AC58-776AC1998801.jpg (750x716, 284K)

It has nothing to do with business and finance.
It doesn't even have anything to do with chainlink, it's just shitty larping. Keep it on discord, faggot.

WRONG. It has everything to do with chainlink fucking retard. Who cares if people larp? this board is one giant fucking larp. Does anyone come here for anything other than fun or to have a laugh? if you do unironically kill your self. fuck you kike mods. (user was banned for this post)

fuck your mother if you want fuck


This. Thank you based mods

>jerk off to that symbol imagining insane chainlink riches
>later go to bed
>have a dream which involves worms
>wake up and check the definition on the internet

>Dreaming of worms is a sign of arguments with enemies. It also warns there is sickness around you
FUD poster and maybe IRL friends?

>Dreams of worms are about rejuvenation and transforming your life. It can also mean you have a role in helping the environment regenerate itself. Worms can bring messages there are enemies around you. They may be hiding in the shadows.

>Worms can bring message to recognize the perseverance of others. You are not the only one who is resilient. Big noting yourself will make you unpopular. This can mean there are tough times coming. You will come through these with perseverance and be well rewarded. Lots of worms in a dream means there may be arrogant people around you. If you recognize this, then you have an advantage in financial dealings with them. But, beware, your enemies are trying to steal your property.

Attached: C93BB324-B1CB-47CB-8532-69CF6DC8E098.jpg (236x176, 19K)

Get rekt RETARD!
Even mods are sickened by your braindead memes.

Yeah, so the hundreds of cashie shill threads are fine & this isn't? The dozens of pajeet spam threads, the shrimp farming, the larping blockfolios, all that is fine - and this is off topic?

Kys, unironically. Time for Linkies to evacuate to cripplechan I think.

Into the fucking trash with Linkers !
Make one fucking general and stay there you degenerates !

Thank you, based mods.

Can you please give a summary?

nothing compares to the daily 30+ LINK threads filled with nothing but whoring out, larping, and forced memes
>based b&hammer

Also, complaining about Jow Forums is a bannable offense.

Nobody gives a shit cuckchan faggot. is behind you.

Attached: aenima logo 2.png (800x800, 102K)

Sexually masturbate to this sigil and at the moment of climax stare into the sigil and imagine Chainlink and its associated token rising to exponential heights.

The sigil was charged in an early thread and born out of gets and which led to a large series of dubs confirming a magickal moment had been birthed.

Unfortunately the mods deleted the original thread, but our group sigil to influence the fabric of reality lives on.

Attached: SigilLink.png (1300x1500, 184K)

I was banned when replying to my own post addressing the chainlink psyop and the deletion of the threads addressing the psyop. Could be because of rule 1 with not having anything to do with business/finance, but a number of those threads were deleted while other bullshit like "how many linkies for the succ" threads stay up. Makes you wonder, stay frosty anons

Attached: WTF.jpg (2360x498, 180K)

wait what other kinds of masturbation are there


Shut up, rory. You are a cuck.

The op never showed his method of generating the sigil. Usually it’s a statement. Strike out vowels and repeat consonants and then collapse and combine remaining letters.
That sigil could be anything

Thank you based mods.
Now move the linkshits to a general or ban them on sight would be the best option.