>tfw both superpowers on your continent are now ruled by poltards
Tfw both superpowers on your continent are now ruled by poltards
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politics doesn't bother me unless my porn is involved.
maybe you'll be lucky enough it'll spill over to Cucknada and you stop forcing offensive mandatory pronoun laws.
holy fucking BASED and REDPILLED
soiboi cucks and shareblue SHILLS absolutely BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
this but unironically
There's only one superpower in north america, wtf are you talking about?
your next trudeau. we will hang you by the neck
Leftists believe their is only one American continent
>your next
Why do so many americans seem to have a hard time differentiating "you're" and "your"? Isn't English their first language? Or do they do it intentionally
Brazil is not a superpower.
No one cares about grammar on the internet.
a lot of brazilian tgirls are gonna get killed, user, think about that
and that's a good thing
what about brazilian scat pornstars?
What do you expect? These people can't even count to ten or tie their shoe laces so grammar is on a whole other level
this clown runs a country.
Libtards owned!
A corruption superpower
Nah, conservatives love to eat shit
>on your continent
Brazil is South American you halfwit.
Libtards RAPED and OWNED epic style (by Ben Shapiro)!
>referencing Peterson or Shapiro makes me a bandwagonist somehow
Now THIS is epic
LMAO it would be a badge of honor to get badmouthed by this little faggot elf, all he does is attack low-hanging fruit and mixing it with ad-hominem attacks, preferrably on a platform his opponents can't talk back.