
Mecha edition

Attached: V4Mecha.jpg (513x618, 108K)

that's a really cool OC

I just want to be happy
is that too much to ask for?

Attached: 1534720204039.png (344x333, 40K)

happiness doesn't exist my friend

How are you, višehrad anons. Guys in /rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ try to define who is the best poster there again and call each other "faggots".

>is that too much to ask for?
Yes, that is too much.

Attached: Can i ask you.png (963x720, 602K)

The only way to be happy is to be ignorant. The less you care, the happier you are.

Indeed it is.

pretty good but prefer no anime avatarfagging
but thats just me

cant ignore everything

smazeny hermelin is great.

best served in a bun like burger