Germans are efficien--

>Germans are efficien--

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Sometimes I wish we hadn't retired from the war business 200 years ago. You guys are so fucking bad at this.

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booby traps you fuck

>USSR is powerfu--

crushed more russkie shit planes in 3 minutes then USA did in the entire cold war

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Reminder the 48 war was caused by Israel
Reminder that the 67 War was caused by Israel
Reminder Israel purposely attacked the USS Liberty
Reminder that Yom Kippur was was again, caused by Israel
Reminder that Israel planned to terror bomb UK and US civilians in Egypt, the Lavon Affair
Reminder Israel got absolutely socked by Hazbollah, and will again

all of these are good things ,xept the last one olmert truly was a cuck, we crushed them but we could have killed many more .
dont worry senpai round 3 is coming soon , thousands more leb lives will be claimed for the glory of eretz israel

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bunch of rats

yea senpai lebs are rats

literally all of it was from friendly fire. booby traps did very little actual damage.
this was a pathetic embarrassment

32 Canadian and American dead from friendly fire, but no account of how many exact casualities were from friendly fire, so no. "literally" not all of it was friendly fire. A Japanese mine blast caused a little more than 1/3 of all the casualties in the operation.

wtf are you talking about ?

meant for not the jew

How easy is it for a foreigner to marry an Israeli cutie? And will her father help me with my credit score?

>I wont give my life to massacre brown rats for israel!!1

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the entire island was completely enveloped in fog for most of the operation. there atmosphere was 100% paranoia due to the insistence from higher ups that there were Japanese on the island just waiting to strike. most casualties that took place on the island were self inflicted

Again, more than 1/3 of the casualties were from one mine blast. There still isn't even an accounting of how exactly the rest of them died, except for 32 killed by friendly fire. I'd suspect wounded by friendly fire would be up to 60-70 as per the norm of casualties in war.


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Why won't anyone listen to us? We warned the Soviets about operation barbarossa too but they ignored us.


Based jews using french planes

Anglos listened to you once, if that helps.

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Whoa, really? I didn't know about this. Glad we didn't fuck up.

Germans are strange people

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Yes. One of our mathematicians cracked the nazi code early on so we could listen in on everything they were doing, but Stalin (correctly) assumed that we hated him and (incorrectly) assumed we were just lying to make him break the alliance with nazi germany.

>Jews and Russians
So nothing of value was lost then.

Daily reminder the IDF wears diapears into combat and often shit themselves

G*rmoids still use cash

Frankly not efficient at all