all in at 35 cents
Unironically the next Antshares
YES, basically self-fulfilling prophecy, NEO/ONT/NKN, 3 founders of Onchain who all made antshares like run. And if you study carefully, you'll understand that NKN is much bigger in the future than ONT. Also>binance in a few weeks. NEO, ONT, NKN they all behave the same.
one of those people, without whom you wouldnt enjoy ANY crypto or the internet as you know now...
NKN has maybe the best team in the whole crypto space right now. backed by NEO, like ONT... with better supply than ONT and just ~33 M marketcap. The next step is Binance soon after promotions.
The holy trinity in crypto. NEO/ONT/NKN you could also add TKY as well but any of these and you will make it.
NKN will have a run bigger than ONT.
Jow Forums will start buying at $1.2 when it hits binance.
NKN is founded by Yanbo Li, former co-founder of Onchain and advised by Dr. Whitfield Diffie, the father of modern public key cryptography and 2015 Turing Award winner. NKN core team members come from Ex-Google, Qualcomm, Nokia, Amazon, and Baidu.
$1bn+ market cap in a few weeks/couple of months
biz will start buying when it hits binance... they're doomed for their 20 % gains only.
Hmm how come we never hear about stuff like this at ico time ??
Just have read the whitepaper. Already 350 mil tokens distributed? So 120,000,000 mcap?!
because these things are very limited and people dont want to let others in.. so they can grab more. I guess u didnt read about most of the Chinese projects' ICOs that are in TOP 100 and 200 on coinmarketcap.
you must be really retarded.
MC is 35million confirmed. Check their telegram,
nice FUD, it's repeated... some NKN FUD SQUAD that wants to accumulate?
if you really read that, u would know that it has 100 Mil circulating, 700 total... much better than ONT if u ask.
I bought 1 ETH earlier and put it in this. Should I add more fiat or transfer from some of my other bags?
circulating supply is 100m
price is 35 cents
so market cap is 35 million
get in before binance next week
30x+ guaranteed
30K NKN reporting in
am i gonna make it?
>10K = you will be fucking rich by the end of year. If you have 10K, just sit back and wait a few weeks
That's all I'm going to say...
Well, can anyone give sauce for 100 mil circ supply?
10k usd or 10k nkn?
10k nkn... if 10k usd, much better.
This is from there official telegram:
Total Token Supply: 1 Billion (100%)
(25%) Private sale (6 months vesting)
(5%) Pre-sale (no vesting)
(5%) Public sale (no vesting)
(18%) Developer team (3 year vesting)
(17%) NKN foundation (3 year vesting)
(30%) Mining (approx. for 25 years)
Private sale 1 eth = 5400 NkN
Pre-sale 1 eth = 4500 NKN
Public sale 1 eth = 4150 NKN
The ICO average price is 0.14$ per nkn
Distribution channel: Leekico"
It's like buying Antshares at 35 cents
I'm all in
No thanks i will buy at 10 cents after u dump your bags on poor souls and bitcoin shits the bed ...again
but but but chinky mcchinky was a floor sweeper at neo, he literally cleaned the floor at neo he is wonderful buy into his vision now before it tanks on gate he can sweep for himself - his mother
it was modified to 700 Mil total... so change accordingly... the smart contract is here. so even better
where do I buy this?
10 cents is way under ico price... not gonna happen, sorry... you will fomo at 120 cents when its binance tho. because this is not some joke coin... this is the same like ONT.
Switcheo is the easiest... really neat NEO DEX.
Thanks user. Pretty new to crypto so I've mostly been using bittrex
My loss then..i've missed a ton of things doesn't matter if i miss one more
fuck yeah!!!
Why are you asking pajeet shills dumb questions like this
It is not the same like ont. Wtf do you even know what you invested in?
If the total supply is a billion tokens, then this is like buying neo at $3.50.
Except neo mooned hard to $8billion market cap, and this country will be probably hit 1/10th of that.
Tempted to buy just for a hope of a quick 2x, but don't have a switched account and don't know how new wallets work and don't want to leave my coins on an exchange.
>doesnt have a switcheo account
the absolute state
stay retarded, biz
Accumulated 22k. Feels so damn good
So many things wrong with this. I'll help.
First: Token circ. supply is 10% of a billion (100m circ supply).
Total Token Supply: 1 Billion (100%)
(25%) Private sale (6 months vesting)
(5%) Pre-sale (no vesting)
(5%) Public sale (no vesting)
(18%) Developer team (3 year vesting)
(17%) NKN foundation (3 year vesting)
(30%) Mining (approx. for 25 years)
Second: Switcheo does not require an account. You visit the exchange, login with your p-key, make the transcations, and withdraw your tokens. So simple.
lol the pic and the explanation made me laugh :D.
and the guy you're answering :D... he said quick x2, lol, what a faggot.
I fuckin love switcheo. Fuck NKN, buy Switcheo tokens.
When i withdraw from switcheo how do i see in NEON wallet?
You need to go into the settings and click "manage tokens" "add a new token" and enter the NKN hash (you can find it on Neo Tracker), then they'll appear under "tokens" in your neon wallet
Switcheo is smooth as silk. Sexy
I thought ICX FSN and HPB were supposed to be the next antshares
Will I make it with 7k?
I remember this thot, anybody smash out? Shes a pro in cali right?
this one is by the guy who started the company that started Antshares...and Ontology
Also can I store on NEON?
That chink must be a billionaire at this point.
>team hasn't even started development
pls DYOR you imbeciles
what did he mean by this?
testnet scheduled for end of 2018 and mainnet for 2019. Anything that is associated with NEO is going to build off the conglomerate that they are putting together. NEO, ONT, ELA, THEKEY. All of these projects are basically the same group. NKN won't be any different they are just working on a different space. The Chinks are going to own blockchain before you know it
I was literally on Switcheo, about to buy, then I noticed the velocity and volume of the sells... Whales unloading... I'll buy at 0.15
Is ONT in the same boat as NKN or did they already launch their testnet/mainnet?
>literally whos
>no confirmation to anything
>none of these niggers have approved twitter handles
>muh next generation internet
thanks just bought 100k
Are you mentally retarded or viewing switcheo on some bizarro planet? I been on switcheo all day and still am and there is no dumping going on. It's been basically all buying kek.
Why the fuck do you think it’s a good idea to tell Jow Forums about this now
What the fuck is wrong with you guys
I don't know, I guess people enjoy shilling shit to death and fucking up accumulation for everyone. Fucking hate this place sometimes
This. OP is retarded.
Because they’re bagholders trying to sell you their bags. Duh. I was going to buy this too but not after seeing 10 NKN threads at the same time on biz.
>this one is by the guy who started the company that started Antshares...and Ontology
Lol ok so what about nebulas? That was antshares founders too... Muh next antshares!!
Bagholders that bought at $.14 and are selling at $0.37?
this. its the same shit every time. they buy some retarded bag, come up with a million reasons why it's great, and dump it when it 2x's. don't buy at the top, just look at any other of the thousand pajeet pump n dumps and buy the bottom if you really feel the need to invest in pajeetcoins.
you really think any of the selfish basement dwelling cunts on this website would want to see you succeed and help you get in early on a coin? of course not, they want to accumulate for dirt cheap, then start spamming threads once the price has at least 2x'd so Jow Forums morons will FOMO in.
I'm not buying this for its fucking name...
okay... doesn't sound reminiscent of the dot-com boom at all... lol vaporware
Do you say the samething about "Internet of Things" IoT? If so, leave crypto please
wow what a pajeet pump n dump coin. don't buy it
And plus another 10 coins
Sorry pajeets . Biz has become a deluded hype board. You guys act like you know for certain how hard a coin will pump. Seen too many coins go down the shitter with deluded shills. I have no trust in anything anymore. I rather stay comfy with Binance coins and trade them.
Ico and new release coins come with such a risk that it's not even worth it to me.
Now fuck off with these threads you faggots
first buy of 2018.. thanks for bringing to my attention - ready for ICX level rise. Agree with everything re: Binance listing for exponential growth, get in at ground floor boys
It's already way above ICO price. Not sure how much this can moon realistically. But there is certainly a lot of potential for ICO buyers to take a huge dump.
2-2.5x ICO price, it's really not that bad honestly, and if you're not an ICO investor, you kind of have to accept that you'll always get dumped on a bit. But you can still be early, and I truly believe this is the ground floor
>don't have a switched account
>don't want to leave my coins on an exchange
Some of you fuckwits really have no idea what you're doing, do you?
bought my bag yesterday looks solid. they have diffie sheesh
r the exchanges gonna steal my 50$?
just loaded 26k coins. okay if this shit goes to zero, cuz I'm rich anyway. just piss in the wind Atlantic City money
he doesn't know.