AION will blow your stinky pajeet / chinaman coins out of the fucking water

AION will blow your stinky pajeet / chinaman coins out of the fucking water

Attached: rDtfBhU.jpg (1280x770, 87K)

Ah, the comparison table. Thar's how you know it's a pajeet coin.

>implying these comparison charts are ever true and not just bias marketing

here is the real version

Attached: 12qwrtqw123.jpg (1200x977, 146K)

Why is there no Lamden on this table? Are you hiding something? :3 *wink* *wink*

what in the fook is this

Kek. Post Lamden's table. We need an overview of all pajeet projects.

This. Will never touch this shitcoin, thanks OP.

>he doesn't know

you missed the next ICX

Nevermind, it was pinned on their twitter.

Attached: DZQKSqbW4AE5gaS.jpg (1200x959, 109K)

yet none of these coins give you a free internet

>unlimited transactions per second

Attached: 1527610234797.png (500x322, 42K)

kek. nice chart you got there pajeet

Attached: comparisonchart_small.jpg (1600x1321, 921K)

>he doesn't shit on a toilet

stop shilling aion with these pajeet tier comparisons. this isn't your nuthugger telegram

Thanks. Here, have a classic.

Attached: 86wlpqlpl0ez.jpg (1334x1229, 135K)

>interchain daaps ARK: no
lmao have they even done research .
ark isnt shit

link to the interchain dapps

Attached: 1507802141651.png (600x595, 567K)

eat my unwiped ass

ironic though, monero faggots used to shit on that chart all the time, yet verge was one of the biggest gainers in 2017

Hashgraph will literally break the forth wall and create a singularity by running faster than the speed of light which will then reboot the universe.

Are we ready for anti-matter level of gains?