AION will blow your stinky pajeet / chinaman coins out of the fucking water

AION will blow your stinky pajeet / chinaman coins out of the fucking water

Attached: rDtfBhU.jpg (1280x770, 87K)

Ah, the comparison table. Thar's how you know it's a pajeet coin.

>implying these comparison charts are ever true and not just bias marketing

here is the real version

Attached: 12qwrtqw123.jpg (1200x977, 146K)

Why is there no Lamden on this table? Are you hiding something? :3 *wink* *wink*

what in the fook is this

Kek. Post Lamden's table. We need an overview of all pajeet projects.

This. Will never touch this shitcoin, thanks OP.

>he doesn't know

you missed the next ICX

Nevermind, it was pinned on their twitter.

Attached: DZQKSqbW4AE5gaS.jpg (1200x959, 109K)