I finally have a bit of freedom and I have no idea what to do

Help me out guys. I worked a job I hated for a bit over 2 years, finally quit. I'm blowing through my savings paying off rent and have enough to make it for the rest of the year, but i'm not generating any income. I do alright day trading crypto but the market is shit right now and I'm not playing with a large enough stack either way. What can I do from home that will generate me some money? I have basic web dev skills, did sales in the past, and I like plants/gardening. Help me Jow Forums, I don't want another job.

Attached: nervouspepe.png (640x628, 150K)

same situation as you, except no web dev skills
no fucking clue what to do

you won't get any help here, this forum is worthless, I made similar topics a good 5 times and nothing useful has been said, it's always kneepads and drug dealing

What kind of stupid faggot tries to go independent on one years saving with no business plan?

The opportunities do exist but are being utilized by people . Noone is going to advertise their profitable situations unless there is more than enough room for the attention it brings.
I would suggest building something or helping out projects in the blockchain space. Lots of discords and community projects that would benefit from a website, or even a bunch of communication with exchanges/other third parties.
If you are a developer other doors open, an ML developer and even more open, etc.

society conditioned us to be this way. never had any freedom, so now we have no idea what to do with the bit of freedom we have.

dude im in the same situation. what you need to do is figure out how to make money aside from trading. maybe do some freelance stuff, flip websites

I started doing fiverr gigs about 2 weeks ago and i've made £200 from that so far

how did you even manage to compete against pajeets?

I feel you user. I have a years savings stored up but wife + baby on the way. Live in Cali... traffic + mortgage = death spiral. Good luck

Wied. this is literally my situation to a T. 2 years at a job I hated, blowing through savings on rent, trading crypto, and having a garden.

yeah, I even have a finance degree but it is pretty much worthless for finding any work from home/remote/freelance jobs

affiliate marketing seems impossible these days, dropshipping is oversaturated and crypto pretty much dead

that's because there is no other way. kneepads, wagekek, sell drugs, or get lucky with cryptos. if you had the talent for something else you wouldn't be asking for advice on biz.

if we could only have one more bullrun...
i managed to make enough that I can live on savings for a while, but not enough to live comfortably or feel secure

>200euros in 2 weeks
he is a pajeet

skyminer unironically

You'll end up "getting a job" again, OP - it's inevtiable. And then getting older and rotting and wishing you had "cashed out" (i.e. killed yourself) years ago.

>web dev

It looks like you need to move to a legal state and start your online pot business.

ive really considered this but the upfront capital investment is kinda out of my reach, also competition.

grow rare orchids and sell them via the web?

200 pounds mate, not euros, not that it's much but you gotta start small.

I used to do gigs back in 2014, made about 1k in like 6 months because you could only do $5 gigs back then (you can choose your gig price manually now), that probably gave me an advantage or something.

Just remember the world is full of boring, normal businesses doing thing poorly. They are just waiting to get decimated by someone who trys.

Time to get a biz crowd fund going.

im in the same boat up. Got laid off a bit over a year ago, collected employment insurance for like 9 months, that ran out, now just living off my savings. Monthly expenses are like ~$1600 and I've only got like $20k left so a bit over 10 months if I just sit here and do nothing.

Kinda retarded on my part having zero income coming in, make a bit here and there from crypto arbitrage, but not moving enough to pay all the bills (although I probably could, or should try harder).

I'm self-aware enough to know I'm apathetic as fuck, take no initiative, and just live like a NEET when it's unsustainable in my current situation.

I mean the intelligent thing to do is put your skills to use or find other ways to generate income. I've been thinking of casually getting into flipping items sourced from auctions, garage/estate sales, and selling on ebay for some side cash, but haven't really taken any steps to do this yet. Definitely need to take some sort of action before things get too critical though - nice having some breathing room but it won't last forever.