About to go to prison for 2 years, won't be out till sometime in 2020. This is all my crypto. How much am I realistically looking at when I get out?
How much will this be worth in 2020?
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Why are u going to prison?
If you're serious I'm fucked.
Rather not get into it. But I'm just hoping this will be worth something meaningful when I get out.
Not gonna have any clue what its worth till I get out. Here's hoping I guess.
Assuming this isn't a larp, that's already worth $1.5MM. How is that "not meaningful"? You can start a business, buy a house and never wagekek a day in your life.
He's going to prison so he can't do shit with it
OP, why not just hold half in Bitcoin and Half in ETH?
cash out you fucking idiot and buy some gold or conservative investment. dont keep it in ether.
If he's that worried about eth going under within 2 years, best bet is to put some in bitcoin. He'll unironically have $10+MM when he gets out.
user, if it goes to 0 you will have jack diddly shit. Cash out half (or whatever amount you feel safe with in fiat), and keep the rest in crypto. Put a couple ETH in some altcoins, maybe some in BTC, and keep the rest in ETH
shit larp, over a million in ETH and you have no idea what future values might be like, really makes me think
put that in doge
$2000 per Eth, $6M total. You'll be set for life.
proof or gay
I do believe ETH is the most promising blockchain technology today out of everything that is being shilled out there.
I won't be around for 2 years so sure that could change, but if ETH is still the most promising by then I figure its going to be worth a lot more.
ETH would only need to increase in value roughly 10x, compared to roughly BTC 20x to hit 10MM.
Doesn't sound that smart considering ETH is already far more used.
With staking coming out I think it could be a possibility desu.
But I guess time will tell. I'm holding and hoping for the best. Peace all.
hope it's enough to put ur butthole back together
Put $10k into LINK, yes I am not fucking you. Make sure that shit goes into a ledger Nano s on MEW. Put that shit in a banks safe deposit box. Do not give anyone other than maybe someone that deeply cares for you. Like a parent, no GF, best friend, maybe a wife, big MAYBE.
Just cash out and pay not to go to prison. You'll still have plenty left over.
post the charge or similar
otherwise fuck off cp
At least go half BTC and if u have the time maybe even 10 to 20 percent promising high cap alts which would be fully released by then.
Probably 10m$ or more, but this is a larp and a waste of everyone's time so fucking kys. Or sign something with your wallet priv key and then post.
45% ETH
45% BTC
5% OMG
around 30m
A lot less than my stinky linkies
this dudes going to prison and you're trying to lighten your bags and fuck him over?
why user?
are the streets that filled with the shit where you're from?
So 10 to 20 percent in NEM
if anyone's gonna fix the scalability-security-decentralization trilemma by then, i'd bet on eth. i'd also diversify, but only a little since you're going to time out for a long time.
Respect the digits faggot.
what would no seem like an unimaginable amount of money.
fuck i should commit a crime, i dont know if my hands are strong enough to hodl.
im just kidding fbi*
>ETH would only need to increase in value roughly 10x, compared to roughly BTC 20x to hit 10MM
nigger what