ITT we post an image of the average biz poster

ITT we post an image of the average biz poster

Attached: SADD.jpg (527x479, 35K)

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damn guy.

that shits rough.

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Is that the chick from H3H3?


Attached: 1512190693514.jpg (960x960, 55K)

rip h3h3

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Attached: MeIRL.jpg (274x184, 12K)

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that was mean dude...

but accurate as fuck

Attached: 896434edcd747e5d6020e2ba8d5b8e4d.jpg (1200x900, 104K)

Buncha pussy ass niggers

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What's that condition with scalp creases called? I remember reading on it way back.

big brain nibba

Attached: oracle.jpg (311x162, 6K)

Would you still bang???

Cutis verticis gyrata

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inb4 sergey


Attached: 1518466949496.jpg (468x628, 72K)