ITT we post an image of the average biz poster

ITT we post an image of the average biz poster

Attached: SADD.jpg (527x479, 35K)

Attached: 1527066589908.jpg (884x800, 288K)

damn guy.

that shits rough.

Attached: 1496831360896.png (1003x677, 884K)

Attached: ab4vq5if3b6y.jpg (550x360, 36K)

Is that the chick from H3H3?


Attached: 1512190693514.jpg (960x960, 55K)

rip h3h3

Attached: 95AD4775-D818-4B39-AB62-7A5E8EBB29ED.jpg (224x224, 15K)

Attached: 94aptHI.jpg (1280x1119, 116K)