Daily reminder.
I hold TRTL and I also mine TRTL and I have to say those memes belong into the trash.
Strongest meme economy
Award winning discord
Free blow
We might not lambo but we already honda’d
turtle is literally my comfiest hold
turtlecoin is so awesome we have a live dj in the discord right now
Buying 100k on tradesatoshi
definitely Raphael.
>Rubbing my turtle real good
What has this to do with TurtleCoin?
Carlos Matos joined Tradesatoshi trollbox and buy wall building up.
He is a funny guy, we are lucky to have him as part of turtlecoin troll team
What does the turtle coin do?
Agree. Also, there are not many TRTL being sold for 1 SAT. Me thinks the days of 1 SAT shells are going away quickly. Hurry all you Anons - Shells do not grow for free :)
The better question is "What doesn't the turtle coin do?"
I don't see how turtle memes are helping.
Imo the only crypto currencies worth investing in are ones who are meant to serve as a payment system. There are surprisingly few who just aims to be money.
For turtle specifically, it would be far more useful for the already cohesive community to set up marketplaces and payment services for using it as a currency. Having it on exchanges and quantifying its value in dollar terms will not make it stand out in the overcrowded shitcoin scene.
Give it some value by using it to pay for stuff like services instead of tshirt and hats that cost dollars to acquire from a manufacturer, forcing you to peg the value to the dollar.
Turtle has a huge community of people who deliver such sevices as a living. Allow some of your customers to pay you for your time in trtl amd decide for yourself what you want 1trtl to be worth. Creating a decent value requires a little sacrafice.
Fuck the dollar, guys, the community has the power the create that value by itself.
The opportunity and value of these currencies lies in the ability to be free of the dollar. It is the start of a slow death for any new cryptocurrency to be valued in dollar terms.
>Imo the only crypto currencies worth investing in are ones who are meant to serve as a payment system
And dapps platform. if it has greater than a 5 second transaction time and it costs more than a penny per transaction then its not a competitive payment system.
If one cat breeding dapp brings your dapp platform to its knees then its not not competitive dapp platform either.
So what does this coin do exactly?
Sure, dapps. You know..you can add any of these atrributes to any of the cryptos out there. Bitcoin can implement smartcontracts, unlimited blocksizes or any other fluff if they want to (and can actually come to agree on it).
Nobody is using cryptos as currencies yet, so this race for faster transactions and such is premature.
Turtle is plenty fast as is (i've used it a few times) and I think it can be a decent payment system if the devs keep their eyes on that goal.
Adding smart contracts and such shit is a tangent that I hope they don't get suckered into.
Its a scam coin then.
thanks for the answer
Yes. Until there is actual adoption a d everyday use the entirety of crypto is an overvalued, semi-regulated pyramid scheme.
If you don't like turtle, there are plenty other scams to be part of. Take your pick and enjoy.
Privacy coins are getting banned in Japan. German exchanges do not list privacy coins. Soon other countries will follow.
Too risky.
Just more incentive to create own value outside of current finance scene. And a hard push in the direction of of all of this was supposed to be.
People just go around bans like that. Decentralized exchanging mechanisms are becoming more common.
Oh wait what the fuck. Its a privacy coin? Well shit why was that not the first fucking answer I got when I asked "what does it do"
Its a cheap privacy coin. ok thank you.
Provided it works well as a privacy coin then its not a scam in my book. It just is.
I thought you would have visited its homepage.
Rest easy knowing assholes like me mined tens of millions of these worthless pieces of shit, months ago. Even a laptopfag could have mined hundreds of thousands. You missed all of this. You also missed the run-up to 30 sats. You then missed the dumpening when you couldn't sell this shit for even 1 sat. Then it was removed from an exchange. Now this piece of shit is on 1 exchange with shit for volume and there are still assholes like me sitting on MILLIONS of turtles just waiting for you to buy so we can dump on you. AHAHAHAHA. Minerfag for the win. Buy more TRTL.
Yeah i doubt that you hold any. No one in the community including the devs encourages anyone to buy it. They only encourage mining, distribution and community participation.
There is zero drive to get listed or to buy-in marketing. I have been mining it since late January and I only hold about 3million...the rest has all been distributed to people who got involved in the project.