Get that Jibrel thread going comfy as fuck as ever

Get that Jibrel thread going comfy as fuck as ever

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Tokenizing bouncing castles

Bouncing the unbounced

wow you really are desperate with your fud , are you really trying this hard to accumulate ?

How JNT is better than TrustToken ?

unbelievable that they’re now decentralising parties and functions. how many more times are they going to move the goalposts?

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TrustToken is way behind both in their penetration of inflatable toys industry and BMX technology

Irresponsible FUD. This is a smart move by the Jibrel team after the sheikh announced he's much more into BMX riding than "those stupid bouncy castles".

boing boing

I can't stop laughing at this Jesus Christ stop my wagie boss will kill me


He a big boy now! Double fuckin' digits! I feel kind of sorry though that he's just an estranged bastard. His mother won't let him shit on his first Instagram whore, like an actual legitimate sheikh traditionally would at his age.

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Why is it dropping hard after the EEA announcement? I don't get it

I don’t know user. Maybe people expected more packages than this at launch?

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How much time are you investing per pic?

What do you mean?

I hope under an hour

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Quite frankly I'm disgusted that this hasn't made me rich yet

Reporting in my top 50 JNT hodler. One day lovely user, we will be rich.

Always remember time in the market over timing the market. Obviously Jibrel Network is getting better day by day. Recently joined the MAMA and EEA. Furthermore the connections with SEED, especially in the UAE will bring us to the moon like yazan said. Quote from the AMA:

>to the moon

Yeah I agree, it's been like 3 months and I'm still not a multi-millionare

fucking piece of shit camelcoin, I can't believe I got scammed by a bouncy castle salesman lmao

>talal and yazan’s mystery tour

9 am wallets yesterday 8380
9 am wallets today 8350 a net loss of 30 wallets but in reality over 60 wallets consolidated in the last 24 hours and 1.1 million coins went into two accounts as well.

one of those accounts is the wallet that keeps accumulating and it so again:
9 am yesterday 13,794,495
9 am today 14,369,148 a net gain of 574,653
not sure how long this will go on, but looks like there's no slowing down this wallet

Bibox wallet:
9 am yesterday 158,238
9 am today 32,188 a net loss of 126,050

gate wallet:
9 am yesterday 11,076,079
9 am today 11,029,624 a net loss of 46,455

Kucoin wallet, this wallet consilidated over 30 wallets in the 24
9 am yesterday 1,320,096
9 am today 1,871,681 a net gain of 551,585

Hitbtc wallet:
same balance as since last tuesday of 28,092

Coinrail wallet:
same balance as yesterday of 2,752,463

looking at the coin, its kinda deflating thats its not rising like the other ones, but thats natural because it held strong during the downturn the last couple of days and ofcourse if you traded into ETH, BTC you're making bank, please come back

Not worried, this is going to be part of the journey, nothing changed and i hope people come back before big news is dropped

as always hodl the fuck up, lets all get rich

When will this shitcoin ever moon. I am fucking bored

End of Q3 minimum

we also get decent pushs here and there, also we'll see what the "big news" is soon

just sell so it can moon for everyone else

Might be the EEA thingy

Highly doubt it, the EEA announcement is hardly "major".

talal making fun of deluded bagholders giving him too much money for nothing.

Attached: talal_bagholder.png (1628x632, 879K)

Fellow jibsters. Thou shall not fear, thou shall not doubt. Binance. End of Q2 / beginning of Q3. Love.

Attached: rip binance listing.png (1594x520, 517K)

See I don't understand that, I bought my JNT on Bibox and they didn't ask for any KYC. What exchanges even have the high level of KYC he's taking about? Coinbase and polo?

He is honest, end of the 2017 was absolutely irrational.

He is not a fucking scum like Justin making billions and saying Tron is the new BTC or the new ETH.

Bullish statement. An honest project leader and co-founder is what you want and what you need.

I'm not sure what kind of standards they have desu.

Yeah.talal is just being is insane a company can raise that much, but he and Jibrel are hardworking and will take advantage of it to make themselves in to the best they can be.Im glad he is honest about it.

Thr amount ICOs are raising is ridiculous anyway. But that's how the standard in crypto is right now. So many vapoware projects in the top 100, but nobody cares. Glad that our bouncy castle king is at least rational and not deluded

partnership news! fuck yes!

I think they changed (upped standard) once they became a financial intermediary. Watch the whole segment

Ah fair enough, I haven't actually watched the video yet. I wonder if that would mean delisting themselves from the likes of Bibox and gate in the future? Not too good for the chances of a Binance lisiting either, but I was never relying on that.

>not detecting blatant humor

JNT is a utility token. CryDrs are securities. JNT can trade wherever but jCash and jBonds can't.

Don't worry user I understand that but in this case he was talking about the actual token, not cryDRs.