MFW no amount of money can cure my uglyness
MFW no amount of money can cure my uglyness
Except it can. You just dont have it.
Must be tough being a white guy kek
Have you tried
BEEliving in yourself :^) ?
>just be yourself, worked for me xDDD
Dude its XXI Century. It can. Few surgeries+high confidence would make an alpha chad from pic rel
You can start by buying this.
reminder that this guy went to prom with a girl and you didnt
that really you OP?
To cut your throat with maybe. There's no help for someone that disgusting
This is totally right though, if the guy in OP's pic shaved off that pube beard, lost some weight, used some medicated lotion or a low intensity soap to get rid of the pimples. Straightened his hair and styled it his entire life would change.
>'aww but user that sounds like work'
Thots can do it every morning, are you saying thots work harder than you?
I think it was the guy from Motorhead, real ugly bugger who slayed pussy like it was the Muslims during the crusades who said something like
>Women don't care what you look like, because every evening they take off their makeup and know what's underneath
you just need a new haircut and to be confident
Girls don't care about looks, personality is everything
You'd be surprised.
just take a shower OP
Kek. You nailed it
girls don't give a fuck about looks
as ugly as this dude is he can still slay
Woah is this Weinstein's bastard son? Looks like an inbred Kike toad
best post
lemmy ftw
yes, per$onality is everything, focu$ on that
Shower, shave, haircut, work out, stop fucking whining. Develop a personality that doesn't involve self pity with a touch of narcissism.
faceplant bro
>Has blue eyes
>Calls himself ugly
Nigga you dumb.
>1 post by this ID
>the absolute state of this post
You can pay for the best skin care doctor
You can pay for face surgeries
You can pay personal trainer to help you lose bodyfat
You can get hair transplant suergery
We are living in an era of deciet, you can alter yourself radically, all you need is $$$ thats the cold hard truth
>Girls don't care about looks, personality is everything.
Lol dude, consider suicide.
We all know women care about looks, men do too.
Only relying on personality will get your foot in the door, nothing more.
>We are living in an era of deciet, you can alter yourself radically, all you need is $$$ thats the cold hard truth.
Finally, someone here who gets it.
Plastic surgery is actually very cheap for men, due to the higher thresholds and tolerances of their tissues, skin, glands, and far more solid immune system.
As long as you go in before you're 50, you're fine, and any surgery you get will look good for the rest of your life, unlike a woman's plastic surgery, which needs routine maintenance like a robot, or they fall apart at the seams.
No amount of money will fix your bones tho.
ew fuck that
People who say "looks don't matter, only personality" strike me as people who completely out of touch and probably had very little (if any) sex in their lives. Like yeah, personally is very important, but it's not the end all factor. Everyone has standards, a certain threshold. You can incredibly confident and have a fantastic attitude, but if you're not attractive enough then it simply WILL NOT work out.
Even if the guy in OP's picture shaved and washed his face, styled his hair, lost the fat, wore nicer clothes and even put on some makeup to take the edge off of things: he's still not going to be attractive enough for most women. Even if you're literally james bond in terms of charisma, you still have to actually get close enough to a girl to say hello.
You make me feel better about my looks thanks brehhh.
The guy on the right is not Chad! Girls do this type of thing all the time. All you have to do is pick someone short/uglier than you and sit next to them. Through the 3/10 loser to the left of you, you too can look like a 10/10
He is a Neanderthal so it makes sense. As with all "Jews"
>Cut hair into some fashionable haircut.
>Loose weight to get rid of double chin and saggy look
>radically change diet to get rid of bad skin
>get a nose, lip and earjob.
Problem solved.
>The guy on the right is not Chad!
Is this how you cope?
muscles that big always look bad
You don't get it. He is fucked due bone law. Guy on right has ideal shoulder span. YOU CANT CHANGE THAT.
Chin up user. Money can make you beautiful. Look at these 2 Adonises.