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Jayden Taylor
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Liam Kelly
This is it boys. Bears will panic once we're over 8200
Gavin Hernandez
the banking system is collapsing as I type, bears can't hold the price back for much longer
Kevin Torres
bullrun confirmed, USD on bittrex
Jeremiah Foster
Can you guys please stop the anti semitism on this board. I am jewish and I would never harm anyone. It gets onmy nerves to see you guys making fun of my people. Stop it. Do I make fun of white people? No. Do I make fun of black people? No. We are all the same. Stop making fun of us yeah?
Bentley Russell
i am a jew lol
Xavier Turner
If you're jewish why do you spend time on one of the most virulently antisemitic websites?
Parker Nelson
>anti semitism
It's just racism, same as any other group experiences. Get over yourself, friend.
Anthony Mitchell
Dominic Gray
i think Jow Forums is funny, but i do not let it get to me
Jackson Gomez
get outta here you hooknosed faggot
Henry Gonzalez
oy vey its another shoa!
Jaxon Anderson
Jow Forums is not Jow Forums
besides I fucking love to see you goys posting pink wojacks
Sebastian Jackson
convert to christian orthodoxy, it's what all jews should have become
Angel Ortiz
stay mad faggot
Benjamin Foster
looool you think we dont know?
its Jews giving other Jews prizes
you and your people have been kicked out of 73 nations throughout history for the evils you commit, only recently you were able to brainwash the evangilicals into believing your nonsense. Once they figure out the scam you pulled on them there will be no one left behind standing in your corner and then we'll do a real HOLOCAUST this time on you and your people, not the fake one that your shitty people pulled on the world
laugh all you want, but you cannot dispute this whatsoever, you and your ppl are the cancer on the earth,
you can talk as much shit as you can
Carter Cruz
Aren't you faggots always arguing the opposite, that Jews do not have disproportionate wealth and success? It seems like your own pic is controverting that assertion. It's almost as if Jews engage in compulsive nepotism and plagiarism. Whites get shit on for having proportionate advantages to their majority status, imagine a modern western society where whites were 10x overrepresented. So they were 9 percent of the population and 90% of its award winners, you wouldn't be saying how superior whites are, you'd be attacking their white privilege.
Austin Reed
>its Jews giving other Jews prizes
in other words
>waaaaa waaaaaaaaaa jews have the most nobel prizes waaa waaaaa it is because it's all rigged
shut up faggot.
Michael Gutierrez
>Has no counterargument
>Tells me to shut up
Lmao get fucked.
Cameron Ortiz
i mean u should thanks the jew for making u look good on media.. and giving u basically no bad sterotypes.
but fck u jews for making muh race look bad
Nathan Brown
Leo Roberts
It’s not antisemitism it’s actually antizionism...
Look into it aaron greenbergstein
Elijah Rivera
wtf you talkin about faggot?
Jews are cancer, always were and always will be
its in all religions, and throuhout history
the moment they're all gassed is the moment the world becomes peaceful, Israel disppears which means the west will fliurish and 99.9% of problems in the world would disappear
now go neck yourself you hooknosed faggot:
Nathaniel Harris
>We are all the same.
So you dont believe Jews are Gods chosen people and that goyim are not Gods chosen people? If not, thats fine, i have no problem with you, but that would mean youre not Jewish, you see?
Lincoln Phillips
im not a jew faggot read the post again
Connor Thomas
>t. so new to Jow Forums that I think kekistan-tier Jow Forums-posting is wholly representative of all board culture
Sebastian Morales
please go lower I have dumped everything I need more coins back
Luke Butler
you have no argument. shut up
we are the same, but jews are jews and non jews are non jews. we all have blood. we all have noses. we are the same.
Ryan Price
BNB mooned today, that is the sign.
Unironically, the sign.
Jordan Sanders
I do have an argument, my argument is why is white overrepresentation associated with privilege but jewish overrepresentation associated with excellence?
>so new to Jow Forums that he doesn't remember all the antisemitism and hitler posting from 2007
I've been here for over a decade lol, Jow Forums has always talked about the jews since Jow Forums has always been interested in conspiracy theories and fringe beliefs and the jews have been the focus of most conspiracy theories for most of the last thousand years.
Julian Wood
this guy jews
Adam Price
Owen Hughes
Shut the fuck up you slimy parasite.
And stop trying to undermine our civilization. Rat.
Aiden Jackson
>we are the same, but jews are jews and non jews are non jews. we all have blood. we all have noses. we are the same.
Cattle have blood. Cattle have noses. You the same as them too shlomo? What a jewish way of avoiding the question. THIS is why no one likes you. Youre subversive liars, all of you.
Parker Davis
Some of us have more nose than others.
Take off that poor sheep clothing, faggot. You're the assholes that declared war on us, not the other way around.
Wyatt Torres
I swear this fucking kike couldnt stop lying even if he was forced to, fucking kikes its in their blood to deceive people
Michael Phillips
Carter Mitchell
See, this is why white people are so fucked. It's in their blood to feel cucked and insecure so they avoid conflicting ideas. This gives rise to safe spaces and sjw faggotry. In contrast, us Jews have no problem living among people with different opinions and we like to argue because we actually care about truth.
Adam Nguyen
its a sideways market until we definitively break 10k or plunge below 6k
Landon Gray
Kayden Cruz
just sage and report all Jow Forums threads and posts
Jordan Green
Nathan Lewis
>Safe spaces
Kek there are no safe spaces for white people, unless youre a literal fag, is you're straight and white your expected to be persecuted and take it with a smile. But you do realise all my remarks where in response to a jew asking us to tone down the antisemitism, which is probably bait, but it goes against your whole 'we jews can tolerate people not liking us' schtick.