Jow Forums, all I ask is for are good reasons

Can you people give me a damn good reasons why money isn't everything ?

It gives us the opportunity to do so much, literally any humanly possible thing you want.

Yet I hear some people say this "money won't make you happy" bullshit.

It seems to me that they're just lying about this just to fool other people.

I believe money truly is the answer.

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Well you said it yourself, money is the means to an end. If you spend you're entire life trying to make money, you've missed the point. You've been focused on acquiring the means but never achieved the ends.
Not to mention the things that money can't buy. The most significant one of those isn't love, it's health. Good luck enjoying your money if you've let that go.

having more options/choices in life doesnt bring happiness, it actually makes you more stressed. most people dont believe this until they find it out for themselves.

money wont make you happy user

but at least you can cry in your kermit the frog green lamboghini


Money will make things easier. You can still get depressed. It will help immensely but it's not the only thing that makes you happy. It should be the catalyst.


Damn straight

Money is only half the equation - money won't make you happy. Even if you constantly hit refresh on your online savings account and see all those digits, unless you're some kind of weird autismo who is excited by numbers what does it do? What does it mean?
The reason why Warren Buffett still is 'in the game' is because he's a fucking weirdo for whom the greatest pleasure in life is researching and buying stocks, that's why he lives like a monk and can't even cook a meal for himself. It's not the MONEY that makes him happy, it's INVESTING that makes him happy.

However, there's a lot of other stuff in life you need money to achieve, or money at the very least multiplies the magnitude of it. The thing is once you 'make it' what are you gonna do with it? The people who say "money won't happy" are right! In the same way that a bong won't make you high, but a bong + weed + taking a rip = niiiiiice feeling [10]

I also have a sneaking suspicion that peopel purley motivated by money are either boring people with no depth to them hence why they are able to fixate over an arbitrary metric as being the single qualitative measure of there entire being, or have massive anxiety and self-worth issues and are stupidly competing for the validation society or some kind of surrogate for some affection they didn't receive when young. There's nothing wrong with being rich and it doesn't make you a bad person, but if all you're about is being rich, you're probably a very boring person. Not that that's what you asked, but I'm throwing that in for some perspective.

TL;DR - Money multiplies your chances of happiness, but one billion multiplied by 0 is still 0

>I don't know why I used the bong analogy, but the one in my head about raw minerals and smelters didn't seem as easy to grasp

Money is only able to give you the freedom to do what makes you happy.

A yacht would be nice, but the enjoyment only lasts so long. I'd rather be on a canoe fishing with my grandfather.

you want to priotize whatever has most value to your goals. That can be your health, a relationship or some passion project. Giving up on these aspects to maximize income will cost you more longterm. We ain't at the level where you can fix any illness with money and you can't pay to rebuild relationships you gave up to work more.

>gives us the opportunity to do so much, literally any humanly possible thing you want.

And those things won’t make you happy. What’s so hard to understand? You don’t realize it yet, and likely never will, but all those things you want to own or experience, are external and have no effect on your growth as a human. Everything is an over rated mirage and your lust for objects and pleasure blinds you to this, often even after you’ve acquired them.

When I had like 10-20k, I was extremely happy because my salary actually boosted my net worth significantly and I thought "fuck yeah I could last a few months without working even. I'm awesome and this feels great."

Then my crypto portfolio jumped to about $350k but has since dipped to about $200k, all within the past year. Being stuck below $300k again is so stressful I developed a horrible case of hives and an almost constant fever. I literally just walk around dreaming about ow I had over $300k before and praying to nothing essentially that "if only if only it would go back to that. I'd give ANYTHING. With $300k I could cash out into more conservative investments and within 10 years probably retire from the growth on those conservative, relatively stress-free investments alone!" My salary contributes virtually NOTHING to my net worth anymore and the stress of knowing how close I could have been to having an early retirement plan (with 10 years of part time jobs/ easy enough jobs to pay the bills) could have been, and I'm 22.

Do you see the difference?

I should mention that somewhere in that portfolio jump I outright acquired a house worth about 300k too through different means, so someone doesn't think I'm just spend my savings on a house and be broke again.

This. Freedom is unironically a meme.

because of how happiness/pleasure/fulfillment work, over the long term you will always be moving toward a state where 1/3 of the time you are happy, 1/3 of the time you are not happy, and the other 1/3 of the time is where the battle is fought. money objectively allows you more desirable experiences on an absolute scale, but does nothing to address the fundamental issue of polarity that underlies the whole "happy/sad" problem. that can't be addressed, you just have to deal with it and work on shaping the middle 1/3

As a persone who just lost irreversibly health I can tell you that health ist truly the most valuable thing in life. Money will never make you recover from a death sentence illness or cronic condition that takes any left dignity from you. I would rather be healty and poor until the last day.

“One third, more or less, of all the sorrow that the person I think I am must endure is unavoidable. It is the sorrow inherent in the human condition, the price we must pay for being sentient and self-conscious organisms, aspirants to liberation, but subject to the laws of nature and under orders to keep on marching, through irreversible time, through a world wholly indifferent to our well-being, toward decrepitude and the certainty of death. The remaining two thirds of all sorrow is homemade and, so far as the universe is concerned, unnecessary.” - Aldous Huxley

I'm pretty sure a million dollars would cure a depressed person for the majority cases. While antidepressants just stop the hole and didn't solve the issue

I feel like a loser because of that, but I can't make that much money in my country and I'm 30. My friends have family and children and I'm still getting my degree and trying to safe money to invest on something... What do you do there? I absolutely done know what to do!

>early retirement plan (with 10 years of part time jobs/ easy enough jobs to pay the bills) could have been, and I'm 22.
the early retirement is a meme also, because what the fuck will you actually do when everyone your age is still working.
>work on my passions
>be a neet
yeah all of these things get boring, and striving for early retirement is as pointless as trying to accumulate some specific amount of money at some specific age

>t. 24 years old, currently "retired" and bored as fuck planning on actually starting a real career