Deutsche bank is KILL!

Why is no one talking about this. This could be the keystone event that literally triggers the entire financial system to collapse.

Golden bullrun soon.

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why the fuck would people buy crypto if the financial system turns to dust? just fucking THINK for a second you idiot.

I heard they were betting big on bitcoin/crypto. Basically their entire future relies on the success of Crypto. Huge gamble.

Attached: 4ab.jpg (600x647, 21K)


Fuck off boomer

nah, they'll get a bailout

Look at that fucking stock tank.

How soon will the derivative bubble explode

Attached: 2018-05-31_8-40-53.jpg (500x261, 15K)

They need the golden bull just as much as us neets. If it works out they'll be number 1 in the world

Probably because brinlet youtubers have been making videos predicting this particular collapse for literal years. Crisis points come from unexpected places, not literally the most expected place in the entire market.

People on Jow Forums have been talking about Deutsche bank's collaps for years now. It's never going to happen, Merkel wiill bail them out and the media will praise her for it.

how bad will it get before she does though?

They can't keep getting away with it.

this gon b gud

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This man was seen leaving leaving Deutche Bank's HQ.

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kek moron

Let her try, roflmao.

why does he advocate a coin that he claims is 98% owned by one guy?


Whats the problem with the bank? Why is it so low? Ive seen long term charts and it went down to 20 from 115 (euro) during 2008 crash. It recovered to 40 before it continued to bleed to 9 now.

Why does this bank have so much negativity?

Germans cant bank

Literally why it was created.

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>linking to a doomsday analyst youtuber
fuck off faggot, go lose more money

>implying satoshi wasn't a brainlet who didn't understand his own invention

so what, they will bail it out
case closed, thanks for all the fish

This. I was watching this thinking this guy got his shit together and then turns it into a stupid Crypto larp

>Golden bullrun
>Implying you'll be alive long enough to find electricity or working phone lines