According to Jow Forums ideology sweden and india are technically brother nations because most of their population...

According to Jow Forums ideology sweden and india are technically brother nations because most of their population speaks an indo-european language

Attached: ThinkstockPhotos-819903046.jpg (850x638, 502K)

According to my ideology you're a faggot

Jow Forums's retarded then.

India is redpilled while Sweden is bluepilled. Don't @ me.

afaik india is considered by pol as aryan's colony that needs to cleansed just like iran.

Sweden has a better standard of living, first-world infrastructure and serenity. India has really good food, better looking chicks and slightly less rapes per capital but has massive poverty levels. No similarities between the two at all.

>Jow Forums ideology
because everybody knows that Jow Forums is a single person

The only similarity between the two is that they are both cuck nations.

>Jow Forums isn't a stormfag echochamber

>slightly less rapes per capital
You must be joking

>better looking chicks
Rajat, you aren’t fooling anyone

Based Ideology

India does actually have a relatively low amount of reported rapes per capita, although the fact that they have a massive population means that there's still a lot of rape happening. Plus there's probably a lot of rape that goes unreported.

Attached: rape.jpg (1280x583, 113K)

Do you even know what “per capita” means, Rodriguez?


What's the methodology for this map? Have they accounted for the vastly different legal definitions and practices of and surrounding sexual violence? Social factors, ie willingness to report the crime? Cultural views on it?

And most of their population is brown

Seething rapist swede

Attached: oh boy1.png (316x347, 94K)

Bruh Sweden doesn’t even register most of the rapes that are reported, at least Indian media is vigilant enough to sensationalize every rape.

Jow Forums is mostly amerifats. Is anybody here really surprised by their stupidity?

Dude have you every seen what Arabised Somali women look like? India has the better looking females by far.

That's true, I've been to Stockholm and the people genuinely poop on the street. Even their king goes and plops one out at Kungsgatan every now and then.
They're a disgrace.

>implying Jow Forums gives this benefit of the doubt to any other group

india is better than sweden
ACTUAL VEDIC CIVILIZATION spanning thousands if not tens of thousands of years vs. white niggers stealing and raping real european civilizations.

>Bruh Sweden doesn’t even register most of the rapes that are reported,
That's the fucking thing, user. The swedish legal system registers each and every single act of rape that has occurred in any given court case, where other nations would simply note it as a singular occurence of rape, though a severely aggravated one. Are you really this fucking ignorant, user? The tendency to report rape to the police is also considerably higher than in most other nations, in part because of long-running campaigns to reduce the stigma around being a rape victim.

If you really are stupid enough to think Sweden's somehow worse than India in any regard, ESPECIALLY rape, unironically kill yourself.