Tfw can't get an asian gf because im an asian male

>tfw can't get an asian gf because im an asian male
does this happen in your country too?

Attached: cc1.jpg (619x453, 26K)

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lmao im white and cant get any type of girlfriend

lmao im brown

based and thispilled
haha retard go fuck yourself and jerk off while I go fuck my harem of brown and asian qts with my white long shlong

I have like 4 asian women trying to talk to me on Okcupid, but I'm dragging it out because a fat assed boriqua is more my type

a what please to do the english

>Wh*Te schlong


cringe as f*ck

If you are cute there's a lot of white guys who would want to fuck you.

Do you even live in a area with a bunch of Asians?
Thats just gay af

cringe and bluepilled lmao.

shut the f*ck up asian m*therfucker

Same here fren.

But when I visited Asia I lost my virginity easily

T. Hapa
.you should try reaching English too

What type of asian are you? I'm korean and I've had a few hispanic girlfriends. Sometimes if you're lucky some hispanic girls look kinda asian-ish

That’s literally impossible
Not that bad
Not gay, and white homos are cringe as fuck

I'm a 21 year old student planning on visiting Tokyo sometime next year. What are my chances, brah?

Not OP, but you dont live in an area with a bunch of Asians right? Like in highschool I only knew one Korean guy in our entire school. If he met other Koreans it was probably at his church.

Come home yellow man

It’s not because you are Asian, it’s because you lack confidence.

Attached: 87BBB00F-15BB-4800-BA80-AA89EBE3E0D2.png (420x376, 16K)

i'm white and can't get an asian gf

I'm from South Jersey and there's loads of Koreans and Chinese people here just I wasn't around them. I grew up in an isolated rural community I was the only Korean kid in my school. There were a lot of Hispanic people in the area and some of the girls liked me. In church I knew a few other Asian kids but they never really interacted with one another. Ultimately I just have a liking towards hispanic girls, I wouldn't mind having an asian gf though

I thought SEA hate East Asians

>including immigrants who got married in asia

not useful information

I'll tell you a place where asian girls prefer asian males

It's starts with an A...

give up yet?

It's called... ASIA

only chinks

Not true though. Most Asian women in Asia will cheat on their boyfriend/husband if it fucking a white guy.
It’s hopeless.
Also, every other race of women in america prefers their own men. It’s just Asian women that are like this

Native women prefer whiteys, but white girls put it out for native men equally because of white guilt or something.

it includes all 'Asians' regardless of immigration status. do you have something to share to make the difference significant? or is this just a shitpost?

>Asians on the other hand, displayed the largest gender gap in co-residential involvement; just 35.8% of Asian men were either married or cohabiting, compared with 59.1% of Asian women

>I have a 65% chance of dying khv

Why asian female + wh*te male is so common and never happen vise versa?

Because most white girls think Asian guys are below their standards

*or cohabiting *2008

find something after 2012

>>The analyses presented in this study are limited in a few respects. First, we do not measure mate availability.

which highly skews it against the lowest populated race and most fragmented demographically in the united states.

Not true for Russia

Attached: Asian-Russian Marriage Statistics.png (776x317, 23K)

Just get an asian qt from asia, what's the point of getting a western noodlewhore who only wants white cock?

i'm italian and never had a girlfriend

some blonde blue eyed polish girl wanted to date me last year though but she was 2 years older.

I wouldn't blame your race for not getting asian girls... I mean, asian guys get asian girlfriends all the time, look at East Asia.
Srsly though, you're just unlucky. Put yourself out there and don't pretend to be anyone else. You'll find someone.