Hungary joins the EU in 2004

>Hungary joins the EU in 2004
>A Hungarian farmer recive 75% less subsidy, then a French farmer.
That's solidarity

>EU forces us to close down half of our factories, because of the quota system. The other half gets purchased by German and French people
That's solidarity

>EU syphons 1 000 000 wokers from Hungary
That's solidarity

>EU claps and funds Ukraine when they openly try to genocide Hungarians
That's solidarity

>EU fucks up Lybia and starts the Arab spring. Somehow Sarkozy doesn't seek the approval of Eastern Europe.
That's solidarity

>Hungary builds a fence on his own and protects the EU border. The EU does nothing.
That's solidarizy

>France demands us to take us refugees and expects us to show more solidarity to Europe.

Attached: Europe.jpg (1280x960, 237K)

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I hope you take in all the refugees and become a nigger shithole like France so that we can annihilate your diaspora here without problems.

e”””””””””””””””u”””””””””””””””” needs to go

Hey shithead, we didn't want you.

>EU claps and funds Ukraine when they openly try to genocide Hungarians
wtf I love the EU now

eastern """""""""""""Europe""""""""""""""""""""" joining was the beginning of the end, up to that point everything was functioning quite well

you don't have a choice lmao

now pay for my roads


Hungarian genocide best day of my life

Attached: 1495098122001.jpg (604x402, 50K)

ok so I know you are hohol so shit like this is to be expected, but what have the hungarians ever done to you?