Daily Japanese Thread #2073

You can't learn Japanese without reading!

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Thanks Thanks あたぼうよ!!
>just in case, this is the video
>from 2:00, you really get to know glorious 90's Japan.

they were neat

Involuntary ones, and not Hikikomori as well.

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they were virginity


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If talking over the internet, should I use 私 or whatever I use normally?



It's always the most polite and safest way, but as in internet and providing that you are 20s-40s male, you can casually use 俺 (in fact, even women use it as long as they are keeping thmeselves anonymous and wanna fend off preconceptions as to be reagarded their remarks as female's) and 自分 is also used sometimes, but sounds rustic like as if you are an SDF or something.
And among those in 5chan bulletin board, ワイ is exclusively used when they are menthioning themselvews.

Is ~の度が越して the same as 度を越した?


度を越した OK
度が過ぎる is more natural than 度が越して

>I really let them know what this country reall was 5 years before NGE.

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Use 僕 if you're gay



全くだ OPの写真は古過ぎる

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Time flies

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how do u pronounce this shit?


Did the Chinese do this

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Seeing all the Japanese on Hellotalk complain about Shibuya halloween partiers was pretty fun.



what has been done will be done again

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度が越える is the same as 度を越える
However,because 越す is not an ergative verb,
度を越す is grammatical, but 度が越す is ungrammatical

ところが自動詞「越える」は、現在では完全に能格動ergative verbとなっている
it is pronounced as the same sound of じ

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Ok, thank you. I should have written 越して though because that's what it was. I didn't think it would make a difference. Or is 度が越して ungrammatical too?

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Will average-sized kanji ever stop being a pain to read?
It's so small

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browserの設定でfont sizeを変更せよ

i am going to bed
Every user
Good Night

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>providing that you are 20s-40s male, you can casually use 俺

What happens when you turn 50?


The 1960s and 70s had the best riots

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They really knew how to fuck shit up back then

Attached: 1971_Tokyo_Zengakuren.jpg (2000x1308, 768K)

>browserの設定でfont sizeを変更せよ
Sorry I only speak RTK
>browser no establishment determine de font size wo unusual grow late se yo
good night
This one doesn't look hard to read, but I don't know what it says

Retard, you should take that advice to your heart

Are there any books with 特撮 style ヒーロー's in it?
Standalone ones. I'd rather not read some kind of side story to some Kamen Rider show or something.

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what happened to japanese so that they became so docile by now?




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50+ years of American and LDP brainwashing


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You could ask the same question about Germany...

no 撮

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撮 what?

Sorry I only speak RTK
please accept this meme as compensation for your trouble

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This is beyond useless

I guess it's the forced emasculation by the allied powers after the war after all.

>Phalanx formation


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>かれ の はな は たかい です
>かれ は はな が たかい です
Are both of these correct? What's the difference between them?

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His flower is tall desu
As for him, flower is tall desu

I meant hana as in "nose", but I don't know kanji yet.
Would both of these make sense? Would they seem natural?

>but I don't know kanji yet.
Fucking lmao what are you doing
Both of them are shit, noses aren't tall

>かれ の はな は たかい です
His nose is tall

>かれ は はな が たかい です
He has a tall nose


>noses aren't tall
They are in Japanese

Do you know what an idiom is?
長い is the word you want

Are idioms not part of the language anymore?

They are but assuming he's trying to construct the most basic sentence I doubt he wants to use an idiom, if he does all the power to him, sentence is correct, but if he wants to say long nose which is probably more common to say than tall nose or boasting and hanging your nose high up, then he's using the wrong word.

Both are grammatically correct but I will use a different sentence with the same structure to explain:
>あいつ の ちんこ は おおきい です
>あいつ は ちんこ が おおきい です
The first one means "That guy's dick is big." The second means "That guy has a big dick."

The function of the particle は is to contrast something with other things. It marks something as being apart and/or different from other things that might otherwise be considered similar, so it can be referred to specifically.

In the first sentence, あいつ の ちんこ is being marked as different. So it might be used in a context like, "Both of their dicks are nice, but that guy's dick is bigger so I prefer his." His specific dick is contrasted with other dicks.

In the second sentence, あいつ himself is being marked as different. It might be used in a context like, "They're both handsome and have a lot of money, but that guy has a bigger dick so I prefer him." The specific guy is contrasted with other guys.

The text itself explains that 鼻が高い is also used literally.
It has its idiomatic meaning because tengu's noses are quite 高い

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That's actually pretty helpful, thanks.

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>people actually responding to the pepe faggot

You win for now, google images showed me tall noses

the most important step of understanding japanese is to internalize and accept the fact that it's vastly different from how your own language works
if you want to understand japanese it's best to ditch trying to understand sentences literally as fast as possible

>かれ の はな は たかい です
we translate it as "His nose is tall", because that's how western languages work, but that's not what the japanese sentence really says
the sentence is about his nose (and) it's tall

>かれ は はな が たかい です
again we translate it as "He has a big nose", but actually the sentence is about him (and) the nose is tall


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that's a penis

don't forget your speaking practice


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Downloading some of the books from djt.netlify.com/ has the problem of entirely fucking up the furigana.
Any way to fix this on the mobi/azw/epub formats?

That's obviously a nose, penises don't grow on faces.

Wouldnt it be nice to have a nose penis tho

imagine the smell

Would you suck yourself off

>when you realize you've read something with minimal effort
I like this feeling

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You could only suck yourself while flaccid, so it would be somewhat underwhelming

>when you understand all kanjis and know their readings or meanings but still don't understand the text as a whole
I think I've made a terrible mistake in my method choice

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Yeah a dick finger would be much better

Probably but if it's the right size you could do something like this

Attached: tengu.jpg (680x534, 42K)

This laser can be use for presentation, teaching indicator, children amusement and more.
Portable size and science shape design.

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kanji != japanese
you obviously need grammar and vocab to understand a language

I'm not sure if that makes sense, but a dick nose orgasm seems like it'd feel better than a dick finger orgasm.

studying kanji is vital, but don't make the mistake of devoting all your time into kanji study. In the end you'll know something, sure, but you can't do shit with it really.

I get this when a new word suddenly throws me off and I fail to catch the rest of the sentence. Additionally, I have to applaud you for these magic numbers.

You can't learn japanese and you don't deserve those digits.