Despacitos of Jow Forums

Do any of you live in the countryside? I feel like most of you are from the city

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Guatemala is pretty centralized, about 1/3 people live around the capital if you include satellite cities.

Do you live in a satellite city?

>I feel like most of you are from the city
That's because most people in latin america live in cities

I live right across the street a very large park, I'm practically a hick

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My "city" has like 600,000 people

We speak English
Which implies education
Which also implies wealthiness
So yes, of course 99% of us live in cities.

Indios from pueblos aren't posting here.

Poor people live in rural areas

>I feel like most of you are from the city
And you are right. Centralization is a problem in most Latin American countries.
I really want to live in the countryside, but I know that I'll get fucked over after acting on that decision.

My “””city””” has 21 million people
Pretty small I would think

>Indios from pueblos aren't posting here.
Damn right

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Indios from cities post here

chilango feo

why the quotation marks, that's a pretty decent sized city

Yo si tuve agua estos días

I used to live in Mexico City for a while.

I live in the highlands and I am 100% Quechua BVLL

Countryside in a lot of Latin American countries is absolute hell, most of the land systems of our countries is absolutely medieval and basically enslaves the population into working for the government or a private entity. The mentality of one family farming that Americans do is actually extremely rare in south America.

Not for Peru though. Peruvian land reforms have been changing since 1968, and in the last 20 years it's super profitable and self suficient to live of agriculture in this country. THat's why we have been developing farming industry a lot than our neighbours

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Rural people here are so fucking weird

Hahaha lol wtf Mexico wtf is this Mexico hahaha

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Any city below 150k population is pueblito tier. Even below 200k is pushing it.

600k is 3 times that tho

>tfw Uber is not available in my state because the taxi guild spergs out about "muh monopoly"

mexicans wear those shoes here

I'm a suburban retard

Sluburb-an these nuts


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I’ve been posting on other threads and I have a cooldown on me

speak for yourself richnigger

I descend from aimara warlords :)

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Your country is like, one of 2 exceptions to this rule.

Gooooood point

the fuck is wrong with this rat eater?

I do live in the countryside, 2km away from a 70k town

Peruvian posters are embarrassing.

Calmate cabron, I'm reading you guys and appreciating your input.
Next time you'll know better than to reply to a burgerclap is all.
Have a (you) on me, user.

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>Only 9 cities in Chile have more than 200k inhabitants

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More people live in Mexico City than in Chile

>aimara warlords

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Why? There my favorite South American posters

I live in the countryside. Na roça

What's the deal with Aymaras anyway? I know that Aymaras in our coutnry are very industrious and like to get drunk as fuck, but other than that....






Ouro Preto here
Population: 70k

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Los aymaras: Son los pueblos resultantes de la desintegracion del imperio Tiahuanaco (S. X d.c.), la cual dominaba la Bolivia, sur de Perú y Norte de Chile; al ocurrir esto, se establecen los reynos aymaras, los cuales eredan de Tiahuanaco, su ceremoneidad, sus técnicas de cultivo (avanzado para la época), parte de su cultura y su arte, el tallado de la piedra (de la cual luego aprenden los incas), y desarrollan por su cuenta un idioma nuevo, al cual conocemos como aymara, pues este idioma no era de los de Tiahuanaco.

Los quechuas: Son pueblos resultantes de la desintegración del imperio Wari (S. XIII d.c.), y su idioma tiene mucha influencia de las lenguas amazónicas, eredando de huari, la disciplina militar, el sistema de administración y los quipus, la cuestión, es que los incas, al extenderse, fueron asimilando lo que tenían otras culturas (así como los romanos) y es dificil saber que es propio de quechuas y que no.

Glad there's others that have the same viewpoint. I live in Stephenkingland and the city I live in only has about 100,000 people here. It's pretty much just a big village.

Chim Pum! Callao!

Peruaryan expatriate here. I remember my mom telling me stories about how when she was young, her parents would tell her to marry a farmer for the exact reason you're giving out.

>We speak English
>Which implies education
>Which also implies wealthiness
you're sadly mistaken, richcuck

But i still prefer São Paulo on a rainy sunday

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What is the main ethnic group from Bolivia and South Perú? I've some Bolivian background (yes, Northerner faggot here), i'll be interesting to know from which native group i descend, but the DNA test don't show that right?

>have a PC, internet connection, posting on Jow Forums, probably play video games too

You're not "poor", you whiny little bitches.

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i earn minimum wage, live in a shitty neighborhood and attended public school as a kid. maybe poverty means something else in memexico but here people like me are considered poor.
>probably play video games too
i can't afford new consoles and vidya, that shit's really expensive here. my last console was a nintendo ds.

>There my favorite South American posters
You have a bad taste regarding posters then.

care to elaborate

South Peru is mainly Quechua, with only the region of Puno where we can find singificant Aymara populations (altough with internal inmigration you can find aymara peoples in the cities of Arequipa and Lima). I'll say that most of Peru is Quechua, In the north there are indigenous that come from the Chachapoyas and Mochica cultures, and also are genetically different from quechuas.

Pure aymaras tend to be much darker, stockier than quechuas. Quechua men tend to be more tall and lean, and have those hooked jew nose. Aymaras tend to have more smaller noses but also they are not that tall themselves.

You need to remember that outside of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay in the rest of Latin America only the 1% richest have access to those things

holy shit
no way you're being serious

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I just wanna leave this fucking place :(

Damn , i've that hooked nose, maybe i should make some research about Quechuas

which of them is the despacitoest?

they are close to you so i am pretty sure you have their heritage in your blood

I actually live in the countryside, I can surround my town in 15 minutes just walking and we have like a dozen gringo visitors every year. I suppose I must be part of the 1%. I also smoke pot, snort cocaine and eat pussy everyday cuz it's free here.

It can't be that bad