Be German

>be German
>work all day
>get home
>play "Work Day Simulator 2018" until it's time for bed
why do Germans love working so damn much?

Attached: Andou is not german.jpg (480x640, 63K)

>be portuguese
>do nothing all day
>get home
>make garbage threads with anime thumbnails
When will you quit?



based Carthaginian

so that they don't have to live in a pseudo-third world country like portugal

They are slaves

>work the whole day
>go home and grind mmos the whole night
now that's much more perplexing
who the fuck thought grinding was a good inclusion into games?
you're essentially wasting a load of time to be able to actually play the game somewhere in the future.

Western MMOs are mostly dead. It's something you look back at with nostalgia, regret and desire.

Only asians keep shitting out MMOs that are usually grindy, centered around 0.000000000001% dropchances and also heavily dependent on predatory microtransactions to get anywhere to the point where you are "able to actually play the game somewhere in the future".

Grinding is fun. It is relaxing and gives you a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment afterwards. It's like meditating or listening to a podcast but then you get paid at the end in the form of endorphins.

really? i guess i really am out of touch.
>tfw boomer
i guess it's different strokes, but it's just extremely annoying for me