

Attached: brain size map.png (1227x597, 54K)

Smarter than you Tyrone

Unsourced map

Actually, Africa is white and nordic.

t. science

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If humans came from Africa and were originally Nordic, then of course they would have Doli shaped skulls.

Brachycephaly is a disease, it came from Down Syndrome and spread like the plague, perverted humans could not stop to put their dicks into their drooling Downy sister.

Attached: Swede and Saami _Side.png (1592x1732, 267K)

sorry american mutt

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>barely did better than the US with niggers and spics dragging us down

It's the other way around.
Portugal surpased you easlly, even with 1 million non white immigrants here from our old colonies..

>both below 3rd world shitholes like Vietnam and Poland
Yikes! whitey so dumbo

That's less than 10% of Portugal's population.
USA is 12.5% black and about the same Hispanic

This. American whites score comparably with Europeans. Inb4 "American whites are all trillionaires, doesn't count!"

How come Southeast Asians have so small brain despite being smarter than blacks abbos and arabs?

Wait I just noticed that Japan has as big brain as arabs and Hainan has bigger brain than Europeans... seems like brain size doesn't matter after all

brain size is less important than brain surface area/number of neurons

brain size accounts for less than 6% of IQ scores

UK? That must be because of Ireland or?

You do know that large brains are associated with low intelligence right? That's where the expression 'bighead' comes from.

yah, density is what matters

What said is why. The differences in brain size between races isn't enough to vastly affect intelligence, it mostly just affects vision. People bigger brains are more sensitive to light is all, so Japs, Brits, Meds are just less sensitive to light than their neighbors.

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