So why is their food considered so great? Besides crepes and baguettes, the majority of people can't name any other french dish. Unlike Italian, Chinese, Indian,etc.
So why is their food considered so great? Besides crepes and baguettes...
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anyone can name french desserts though
>Besides crepes and baguettes, the majority of people can't name any other french dish.
>L'éducation américaine
Because the quality of our food doesn't rely on some meme dishes that can be mass produced in downgraded versions and made into some exotic chains of restaurants all around the world.
Who do you take us for? Italy or Mexico?
i only can name one indian food and its because anime
Ask any single person I know, they will be able to give you typical french dishes like Boeuf Bourguignon and pommes de terre dauphinoise.
Tbh I don’t think our food’s the best but it’s pretty damn good when you consider the rest of the world I reckon
if it's because anime, then it's kare, not curry
>Ask any single person I know
Of course frenchoids will be able to name frenchoid dishes, I have never heard about those in my life, only pretentious boomers care about frenchoid culture
>pommes de terre dauphinoise
>French education
Do the french eat sausage?
>Unlike Italian, Chinese, Indian
Every italian dish is the same
I'll give you chinese
Indian food is disgusting
>the majority of people can't name any other french dish.
People don't know brioche and chocolate truffles?
l'education francaise*
>Every italian dish is the same
wrong, you tasteless buffoon
you don't even know about foie gras and ratatouille?
l'éducation française**
REEEEEE façon Dauphinoise, gratin Dauphinois ok l’ami oui d’accord.
Je pense qu’on s’est tous compri ici
But why didn't you go to Canada along with your friends, Zhang?
This. Literally everyone can name multiple Italian or Chinese dishes, can't say the same for french.
Souffle, foie gras, escargot, consummate, quiche, croque monsieu, chicken cordon bleu, duck confit, hors d'œuvre, bisque, etc. They have really good food and we eat a lot of it without thinking it's French and even things uncommon here like escargot are still well known. Keep in mind I never mentioned cheese, wine or dessert (yes I know pastry is Austrian).
go home juan
Your own ignorance is not a convincing arguement
See, to name a few:
French cuisine is honestly overrated
je n'ai pas ces lettres, frogladm8
This faggot has been busy lately.
"Why threads" i mean. All by the american flag
'course we do, either cured (saucissons) or normal (saucisse de Morteau, knack d'Alsace,saucisse de Toulouse..) and some strange ones for foreigners (my absolute favourite, Andouillettes, are tripe-sausages).
We've got loads of different kind of sausages, these are just from the top of my head.
Are macarons overrated in your cunt?
They’re really fucking good.
btw these are italians
I actually feel the same. But the answer is that the style of cooking used in the western world in general is considered the French style. The mere idea of putting butter in a pan and then throw meat inside is a French invention apparently.
Chocolatine and Christmas log.
Béarnaise sauce.
>Unlike Italian, Chinese, Indian,etc.
>pasta, pizza, maybe risotto if they are a little more cultures
>some Chinese-American dish they ate at a buffet that probably isn't even authentic Chinese
>can only name variants on curry
I can easily name boeuf bourguignon, coq a vin, bouillabaisse, duck confit, escargot, souffle, pomme dauphin. Not to mention the dominance of French pastry and dessert. Though I will admit the French are more influential on cuisine for their technique and skill than their dishes.
Didn't know Christmas log was French.
Also, wtf, apparently we share chocolate salami with Portugal
Everyone eats snails.
>Besides crepes and baguettes, the majority of people can't name any other french dish.
Americans barely count as people though
What can you even list?
didn't know you were like that, Canada
Si les belges le disent nous aussi en général
Septante, octante, nonante?
Triste de ne pas adopter le systeme de 60/60.
1.) Talking about things you don't know about is America-tier, I'm disappointed in you
2.) The global influence of the French style is most predominant in haute cuisine, not everyday foods you are used to
3.) You have to know a bit about culinary habits before and after the French changed the game
The French completely changed the way we eat foods in a few ways. As part of the nouvelle cuisine movement they pioneered simplicity of both ingredients, cooking, and presentation. Before that the affluent mostly ate elaborate dishes with rare and expensive ingredients and painstaking presentations that took a lot of time and skill. The longer it took (sometimes days) to make, more expensive, more exotic, and more ostentatious the better, then the French showed that a piece of barely cooked salmon set in a simple sauce and served immediately could be as good as the far more elaborate dishes. It was also customary to only use the finest cuts from the finest animals and fish and giving the rest to peasents, then French chefs like August Escoffier showed that, with proper cooking methods and complimentary seasoning, even shit animals or less desirable cuts of meat could be considered haute cuisine.
- What's that meal of the day for 10euro?
- Today it's andouillette
- And what's andouillette?
- It's a pork.
Yeah, right. So authentic true french food made me literally vomit. I ate this shit in a cozy cafe near Monmartre in Paris if you wonder when can you find pork intestines cor 10 euro.
Non, pas les chiffres.
Dumb, can’t really find anything else to say about this post really
Andouillettes is goat you uncivilised new worlder
>giving andouillettes to tourists
based parisians
>1.) Talking about things you don't know about is America-tier, I'm disappointed in you
Hope you aren't
you guys never tried Cassoulet?
you should
I am not him
Then tell me what's so smart about making pig intestines a meal of the day in a tourist area. Eat that shit at home and don't serve it in cafes.
then you should have opted for a salad, you fruit dog
It's really good and different, I bet most tourists never had them or heard of them, and they're here to discover French culture so it's a good thing they can try this classic French dish.
I love a good andouillette but andouille is also pretty fucking great although it smells strongly of ass.
Absolutely pathetic, kill yourself yank
Don’t go to tourist cafés dumbo haha
Like lmao just don’t it’s dumb ahah
No one does that except dumb people like you
Also andouillette with what? Shit fries and tasteless salad from the tourist café? Along with the shit andouillette? Colour me surprised user. Surprised.
I like beef and pork so I try to order it wherever I travel to figure out who can cook meat better. You fuckers are in the very bottom of my fav list cause nobody. I mean it. NOBODY has ever served me intestines instead of meat.
>one less leaf coming to pollute our air
Best thing ever.
With a slice of gâteau basque filled with cherry jam for desert.
>order intestines
>get served intestines
>somehow surprised
you actually ate it?
that's a common prank we do on tourists normally you are served another dish right after
Fuck off and I guarantee he isn't actually Canadian
I won't. And don't be silly, we both know that good old all american slam from Denny's is 100 times better that intestines.
Someone screenshot this canadian idiot I beg you
potato cat?
are you alright Luigi?
I love a Denny's grand slam but I also make sure I know what I'm ordering when abroad and don't bitch when I get exactly what I asked for, nor do I pretend that one meal served in one of the most touristy areas of the most touristy city in the world is somehow indicative of a nation's cuisine
Look, it's another "burger try to bait a random western country"
That would be "gatto". Though I've usually seen the dish with the outright French spelling.
I was poking fun at how we consider this variant an outright Italian dish, even if it has such a French name.
Cuisine is something deeper than meme dishes that diaspora makes in the US. France is the birthplace of a lot of cooking techniques that are used all over Europe.
>americans in charge of knowing international culture
This. I often try to explain this to American flags who berate French cuisine, but this is perfectly redacted.
If I was told that these are pig intestines, not actually a pork then I would order something else. It's that simple. After that cafe I've decided to avoid every french food and just ate kebabs, burgers and pizza. French cuisine is absolutely disgusting based on my experience.
>Go to france
>The most exotic dish a literal steak and bon frite
I dont think anyone claims its exotic, just some good fucking food.
Actually the most exotic dish would be all the dishes we've imported from Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East. Some Berber meals are very common in France because of the shared colonial past, bit like the UK with curry.
How can that be exotic when fries are literally a French invention?
Give me schnitzel or give me death.
>actually finding a place that sells pork intestine for less than 20€ in fucking Montmartre
you made a great find actually, leafm8
>he fell for the meme and is actually defending it
It's a popular meme because nobody likes the French. I'm pretty sure you could convince the average American that the Norwegians are actually the true inventors of foie gras.
Well I mean if you are really convincing I'm sure you can convince most people about this. Most people assume it's French but are open to the idea it's not since they didn't study the history of foie gras.
Also get a proxy so our flag isn't seen as more of a collection of butthurt cretins than it already is.
Being butthurt is part of our identity, embrace it
>Norwegians are actually the true inventors of foie gras.
Don't be silly. It's the Jews.
absolument epic
yes, we have a ton of varieties
Because a tyre company with a morbidly obese ghost mascot said so.
Andouillette is really not for everyone, the waiter was a cunt if he didn't warn you
>be in some event with my dad, in a very rudimentar cantina
>they serve either chicken or andouilette
>four very classy middle ages japanese tourist ladies come to the table next to us
>they order andouillette
>my father smiles and has a eye on their table during all the waiting
>the plates arrives
>the japanese ladies look mixed between utter disgust and natural instinct to appear composed
>my father chuckles as he eats his andouilette
because it tastes good you dipshit
Crepes are Breton not French, they don't count as Fr*Nch food.
>Crepes are Breton not French, they don't count as Fr*Nch food.