Oi, undo your trousers m8! You ain't got a loicense for that virginity!

>Oi, undo your trousers m8! You ain't got a loicense for that virginity!
What do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


*unzips dick*

GOOD taste

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British girls look like THAT?

*unzips anus*

>You ain't got a loicense for that virginity!
Focking hell no I don't.

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>I don't like her hair

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Don't know, got it off of /brit/.

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need Ukrainian-Canadian-Britbong gf

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post more


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also she bought myfarog from varg

this tbqh
never thought i would say that about hair like that but it unironically looks neat combined with her overall appearance

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>Combat 84
Into the trash it goes...

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How common are mod girls these days? Also I base my look off Liam Gallagher, would I be able to get one?

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>caution: very hot

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>be white supremacist
>steal your entire subculture from black jamaican rudeboys

is the back of her head bald? so if you're fucking her from behind it's like fucking a fat underage boy?

that shaved head is so ugly

Can't tell if the far-right/nationalist stuff is just a fashion statement or something. Hot as fuck if it isn't.

she sounds like a right cunt

>being a retard is "hot"

Skinhead or nazi?

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>implying nationalism is bad
Why do you hate our country?

Nazi, Combat 84 is a Nazi group.

But that's what makes it better, imagine straddling those intolerant milkers.

she's not a liberal though

You'd better take it off me then.

I do

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>she will never insult me for being a frog during sex

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>Be south frog
>So southern Im olive
>Will never impregnate a pale English Nazi gf and make her shit out brown nippled half-frogs

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I want to beat every single woman who has a shitty haircut like that and wears trashy clothes

I hope your mother is okay

She's fine, unlike your whore mother.

I heard gypsies take good care of their mothers

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I wouldn't know. I've never spoken to a gypsy, except with the person I'm replying to right now.

N-No! You don't rule us anymore!

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>Tfw no shy large English coat wearing overly polite upper class posh accent English gf who politely asks before sucking me off
>Will never call her underwear knickers
>Will never offer me English tea with milk and everything after blowing my load
>Will never cook me egg, bacon, and beans on toast in her underwear
>Will never get slightly carried away about the Thatcher area and then excuse herself over it
>Will never wave talking about the troubles away by saying she doesnt want to offend anyone
>She'll never take you to a bar to taste a proper pint
>You'll never own an English dog
>You'll never live together in rural England in a place that ends with ire or ton
>She'll never call you by your last name while fucking her
>You'll never watch English comedy together while she defends its superiority
>She'll never roast you a toast sandwich

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ah yes, those beautiful cigarette packs

How can a Brit be cute? Is she half something else?

My goal in life is to fuck a Briton and yell “THE BRITISH ARE CUMMING!”

you don't talk to your mother? sad

>>You'll never own an English dog
don't let your dreams be dreams
goood taste for a continental

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oh? what's this my virgin detector seems to going haywire next to this post

Somebody asked on a comment on one of her posts and she said it was just "patriotism", not racism.

that deceit, whoa wtf

Wait French have brown nipples?

she isn't far right dude. she is one of those anti-racist ska listening skinheads. she even has a black friend

t. follows her on insta

why do you ask?

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very sad if true

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shit nvm
fuck this gay earth
"traditional skins are diverse" actual fuck off

Scroll down her insta dude instagram.com/missanthropicon/?hl=en

she even has a picture with her values. One of them being: Not allow all immigrants in the UK but only some

>Not allow all immigrants in the UK but only some
Does she support a mixed economy? If so that will make her left-wing nationalist

Is it even possible to be an right-wing economically and also a nationalist?

ah well it's better than 99% of people
and tbf you can't just claim to racist on social media if you ever want a job


the fug is that shirt supposed to mean

Good point. Modern "nationalists" at least in europe should reconsider their economic policies


She has good taste

It's a Norwegian Black Metal band. Lots of tumblr hipster girls wear Black Metal shirts because they think they look cool but don't actually listen to the bands.

dumb mutt. Only us germanics can read the secret script


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>oi subculture still exists


okay, that makes sense then, it's likely for the better that they don't eh?

Even many racists don't claim to be racist behind closed doors. Very retarded thing to do

no that's a boy

I have taken notes from your best books :^)

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conveniently forget to admit that I'm not a virgin.

I really want to touch the back of her head

well I suppose if you want to avoid the labelling progressives use

I for example am a white identitarian not a white supremacist.

It doesn't. It's just a bourgeois LARP of skinhead culture, like most subcultures today, it's just a costume.

>white identitarian instead of ethno-nationalist
no need to buy into amerimutt ''''''''''white identity'''''''''' memes my germanic brother.

there's categories and subcategories, you can do both to different extents.

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Wouldn't touch this slag with a ten foot pole.

Why is she so fucking hot? Have I fallen this low already?

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It's fine to recognise that there's a crisis impacting all Europeans (whites), but we should identify by our national/ethnic group first and foremost. Referring to yourself as a "British nationalist" (and not using the white label at all) is probably better for optics too.


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Yes. If anyone with euro flags use these terms I always picture an amerimutt is behind a proxy, but brit lad above seems genuine so is he alright

what about people who moved to another country at a young age?

They aren't native to that land. We have a bunch of Finns and Germans in Denmark. They aren't Danish

So if they oppose African immigration, what should they identify?

Right wing


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Based skingirls.



Obviously not all groups of immigrants are the same, and a leniency can be shown towards certain groups (i.e. immigrants from genetically similar countries). .