One American bread, please

>one American bread, please

Attached: file.png (428x369, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


my bread for the week

Attached: IMG_20181104_144433.jpg (2360x1284, 506K)

Attached: 1525022424398.png (1000x800, 271K)

Rate my bread

Attached: 1518110318501.jpg (960x1280, 292K)

>Dave's Killer Bread

Get a load of Scrooge McFuckingDuck over here

>not eating biblically approved bread
You will never make it into the kingdom of heaven.

Attached: file.png (800x600, 946K)

>Unbleached Enriched Flour
bleached doesn't exist in america, right?

Attached: thinking about butt.png (365x197, 16K)

>bleached Enriched Flour
American white bread is usually made with bleached flour because it is faster

Attached: file.png (1000x1000, 1.46M)