You find out this Brazilian immigrant is in your country illegally

>you find out this Brazilian immigrant is in your country illegally
>"please don't let the immigration services send me back to Brazil, the Bolsonaro fascist regime would kill me! I'll do anything to stay!"
how do you respond?

Attached: Brazilian.png (1080x1213, 1.29M)

make me food and clean my apartment every day for free

Have him farm osrs gold for me 16 hours a day

Attached: 1541295930636.jpg (1080x1350, 116K)

Good thread

Attached: 1541014274647.jpg (1080x1350, 149K)

You already know what I want. Bring me dat ass

Attached: 41671377_161622158102085_2484427757971308544_n.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)

Good riddance.
And don't come back.

>Shitty slut tats

>dropping something this cute

Attached: 41040584_287043281905107_3208643820572901376_n.jpg (1080x885, 82K)

>I'll do anything to stay
feed me that femboy cum